Moving individual objects
For simplicity I'm going ask my question as if the models I'm working with are boxes.
One box is sitting directly on top of the other and I want to move only one of the boxes. How do I move just one? What happens to me is that even though I select only one box, such as with a window, the parts of the other box that are touching the one that I want to move are dragging along with the move I'm making of the first box. I can't seem to separate them. Is there a way to do this?
Thanks in advance for anyone's help.
you can do this by grouping the boxes..
draw the first box then select all of it -> right click -> make group
do the same thing with the second box and you'll be able to move the boxes without them sticking together..
As Jeff says, grouping (or making components) is the only way to separate geometry in SU. Read more about these entities here and here .
The key sentence from your point of view in the manual linked above is:
@unknownuser said:
Note - The Make Group operation disconnects any geometry that was connected to the grouped geometry prior to placing the geometry in the group. The disconnected geometry is maintained outside of the group's context.And of course, welcome to SCF!
The best time to group or componentize objects is before they get stuck.
If you do get something stuck and don't want to group it just to break it loose, you can get it back simply by moving a copy and deleting the (stuck) original.
Thanks to all who commented. That is so nice to be able to do this now. It's very frustrating without the grouping.
Have a great day everyone.