The Obama Deception - Number #1 in Google Video
@linea said:
This shouldn't mean bloody revolution. It could mean growing your own food or sourcing locally manufactured or fair trade consumer goods. This takes alot of power away from the corporations and the politicians that they support.
or setting up our own energy system.. that sounds like an ok start to me..
if everyone would pull their heads out of their asses we would realize that the only reason these absurdly rich people have their money is because of us.. all we have to do is quit buying into the bulls#$t and take some things into our own hands...
there are clean, viable, renewable energy sources surrounding us on a daily basis.. tidal, wind, & solar alone could power the entire planet but the big dog is geothermal. there's an estimated 5000 years worth of harvestable geothermal energy available to us right now (and it's renewable so in theory, it's an infinite amount of electricity).. but no, let's stick with oil!!
if we (the u.s.) set up windfarms in only three states, we would have enough electricity to power the country..
why don't we invest in ourselves? i'd be willing to give $5000 towards building our own power source.. if everyone in america did the same, we'd be well on our way to having our own, free energy source.. (ok, we're in a highly monetary society so it's not necessarily 'free' but it's a one time payment.. i spend ~$2500 per year for electricity so i'll gladly pay a few years worth of payments when the tradeoff will be no more electricity bills in a few years.. free energy for my children, grandchildren, and on).. -
@tomsdesk said:
@solo said:
How would this new transparent, evil elite free utopia work?
I certainly hope it doesn't involve those less fortunate than me and mine dictating our situation.
well, i guess 'fortunate' is an ok word here.. very, and i mean very few people even come close to having the opportunity to become filthy rich.. the idea of the american dream is mainly a hoax.. you are born into that world.. it's bloodlines..
more than half the population on earth are harder workers than these people and i bet quite a big chunk are more intelligent as well.. where's all of their cash at?these 'fortunate' people that you're putting your faith in aren't good people for the most part.. they are con men to the max.. very polished and their scams pull in tons of cash.. it's cool that you look up to them but really, how do you think they feel about you and/or your survival?
@unknownuser said:
if we (the u.s.) set up windfarms in only three states, we would have enough electricity to power the country.
have you got a source for that? Its a very interesting claim and id like to read in to it a bit more.
@unknownuser said:
if we (the u.s.) set up windfarms in only three states, we would have enough electricity to power the country.
The quotation comes from the Zeitgeist Addendum, at least it was mentioned there. I am not a fan of windfarms, mainly because of noise and impact on a landscape, but solar energy would be an option.
Of course it would require a serious investment. 'The Times' shows a solar power plant in the Mojave Desert as an example. -
Yeah I read that article about erecting windfarms in the Sahara to supply the entire Europe with cheap renewable energy, I think it's a great idea but!......
Which multinational company will own that? Are these new power suppliers gonna be transparent and non manipulating?, We may reduce our dependancy of fossil fuels from 'terrorist states' (not my coined wording) but anyone notice that the Sahara is also in the 'Axis of evil' (another Bush phrase) territory?
Not to mention the obvious, African acquired power to supply Europe, wtf!?, is Africa not the poorest continent? do they not need this cheap resource more than first world Europe?Don't get me wrong, I would love to see us getting away from fossil fuels, I agree that areas like Nevada, Arizona and even Texas would be great to harness sun energy, the Texas pan-handle would even be fantastic for wind turbines. I am just concerned about trading our current slave masters for a new bunch of even worse ones.
Energy is only a small part of the problem, look at world food shortages, clean drinkable water, these are the new sectors of real concern that face our future, and these are the issues that will impact humanity the greatest. Now is the time to deal with this.
@solo said:
I am just concerned about trading our current slave masters for a new bunch of even worse ones.
The solution would be to have a solar panel being able to convert\store enough energy sufficient for a single dwelling, even in a country with very little direct sunlight as Ireland. In theory there is an option already available, which I have quoted in a thread related to clean energy sources, but as far as I know, it has not been verified\debunked yet (Magnacoaster amplifier).
@unknownuser said:
The solution would be to have a solar panel being able to convert\store enough energy sufficient for a single dwelling
Great solution on paper, I guess we would need to understand that only home owners will benefit from this leaving a large chunk of less fortunate people stuck on the grid, and now paying higher prices for the same usage, as the power companies still need to make a profit even with a dwindling market.
Here is a graphic of home ownership in the USA, see the ethnic and racial divide this will cause?
edit: I forgot about the recent home foreclosures, these numbers will be much lower thanks to the burst property bubble, and the fact that these people who have foreclosed homes will probably not be elegible to purchase properties again for a while, at least until the judgements occured dissapears.
Its also worth noting that a system where everyone had their own power source could be very inefficient, as any home system would have to have a large power output to account for any chance of a sudden increase in demand (turning the kettle on, for example.) This means that a lot of the time your going to be wasting a lot of power.
Compare this with a national grid type system where power is distributed where it is needed, thus you got a lot less wastage.
I suppose the ideal here would be a combination the 2, so everyone has enough power generating capacity for, say, 2/3rds of their peak usage and are connected up to the national grid, so when theyre not using all the power being generated it goes in to the national grid so people who need more can use it.
@juanv.soler said:
Homo homini lupus est
That is exactly the point. That is what they haved teached us. That is what the power wants.
But it is not.
And that is what we have to learn. We are so slaved to everything that we forget we can look at each other in another way. A much better way.Hello everybody, back again.
Welcome back Jaun
@remus said:
@unknownuser said:
if we (the u.s.) set up windfarms in only three states, we would have enough electricity to power the country.
have you got a source for that? Its a very interesting claim and id like to read in to it a bit more.
Jacque Fresco and the venus project via zeitgeist addendum. According to them, the figure comes directly from the u.s. dept. of energy:
~3 minutes into that video is where it's mentioned.after a quick search for their actual source, i can only find a figure of 20% plastered everywhere which coincides with tboone pickens 'plan''ll try to locate the actual report by the u.s. dept of energy with the 3 states claim.
@solo said:
Which multinational company will own that?
my suggestion is that we the people own it. we research it and fund it.
if it's a traditional mega-millionaire style corporation, the money problem will still point about mentioning a new power system was less to do with making a green environment and more to do with fixing the major flaw in our societies.. the problem of greed.
@unknownuser said:
Energy is only a small part of the problem, look at world food shortages, clean drinkable water, these are the new sectors of real concern that face our future, and these are the issues that will impact humanity the greatest. Now is the time to deal with this.
thing is, there is enough food on our planet right now to healthily feed every single person on our planet.. famine in our modern world isn't a result of drought or lack of animals in the area, it's a result of greed.. again, imo, nearly all (90%?) of the world's problems are money/greed related.
@unknownuser said:
these 'fortunate' people that you're putting your faith in aren't good people for the most part.. they are con men to the max.. very polished and their scams pull in tons of cash.. it's cool that you look up to them but really, how do you think they feel about you and/or your survival? and mine are the fortunate ones I was refering to: I put my faith in none of those greedy bastards doing the deciding now. Just saying we'd all be living pretty poorly if those who have nothing now were suddenly (after the revolution) deciding the standards of living for all of us.
But it won't get that far: the stupid of the greedy elite will be quieted or culled, the greedy serfs (middleclass) will be put back in their place, and the saga will you say, for the most part born into our station.
Unless we humans evolve a little further and rid ourselves of our 'Greed' gene, there will always be a yearning for absolute power, absolute wealth and absolute control, it's in our nature.
Even if we create rules and laws to protect us from such trappings, in time the rules will be amended and challenged by greedy and controlling individuals.Jeff my question about ownership was in regard to the Sahara solar panels, we the people do not factor, as the article says, they are looking for large dollar investors right now, loosely translated to big business.
@tomsdesk said: and mine are the fortunate ones I was refering to: I put my faith in none of those greedy bastards doing the deciding now. Just saying we'd all be living pretty poorly if those who have nothing now were suddenly (after the revolution) deciding the standards of living for all of us.
But it won't get that far: the stupid of the greedy elite will be quieted or culled, the greedy serfs (middleclass) will be put back in their place, and the saga will you say, for the most part born into our station.
oh, ok.. i fully misread what you were getting at.. (that's another one of our problems - miscommunication)
@unknownuser said:
(after the revolution)
a revolution does need to occur. however, that revolution can't be like all of those in the past which basically will only shift control to a different group of power mongers.. the revolution needs to occur in our brains.. science has brought us to a point where our basic survival no longer needs to be a worry. we are poised for the next level of consciousness.. i doubt i'll see the full change in my lifetime but i do recognize the need and i'll attempt to contribute my miniscule thoughts towards bettering future generations.
“We will see how very important it is to bring about, in the human mind, the radical revolution. The crisis is a crisis in consciousness. A crisis that cannot, anymore, accept the old norms, the old patterns, the ancient traditions. And, considering what the world is now, with all the misery, conflict, destructive brutality, aggression, and so on… Man is still as he was. Is still brutal, violent, aggressive, acquisitive, competitive. And, he’s built a society along these lines.” - J. Krishnamurti
@solo said:
Unless we humans evolve a little further and rid ourselves of our 'Greed' gene, there will always be a yearning for absolute power, absolute wealth and absolute control, it's in our nature.
Even if we create rules and laws to protect us from such trappings, in time the rules will be amended and challenged by greedy and controlling individuals.yes, i fully agree with you.
..... I'm following this thread as best I can and it looks now like we are discussing 'actions' / revolution / get of your arse and do something sort of things. I'm all for that BUT the question is what to do.
Well, here in Ireland we will have a chance to say 'Feck Off' to the New World Order by voting NO for the Lisbon Treaty. Heck! these EU power brokers are so pushy that they are forcing us the say (vote) NO again. Of course they want a YES vote this time.
We gave them their answer last year but they are not accepting it and we will be looking at a new referendum in a couple of month time. Is this democracy?
This link is an 'Address' by European Commission Vice-President Margot Wallström Lots of Blah, blah, blah BUT does not explain the KEY POINTS!
This link is to some Irish guy in his car telling it like he sees it, The Lisbon Treaty in a nutshell Now, I can understand the KEY POINTS!
I know what I will be voting AND I think this could be regarded as a revolt! There are only 4 million of us here in Ireland but we are able to say 'Feck Off' out loud when needed
In 1916 we started the breakup of the tyrannical British Empire
Coen, do you realise how incredibly patronising "Finally you're getting it." actually sounds?
No, I'm not getting it...I've always got it. There are bad and misguided people in the world who through sheer evil, or more often lack of consideration for others or all of the relevant factors, manage do bad things....including usurping powers they have no right to. We even have a phrase for the latter: "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions."What I don't do is get all worked up about it like some teenager discovering sex for the first time, utterly convinced that no one else in the entire history of mankind has ever 'discovered' this before.
Liberty requires vigilance, it doesn't require paranoia. (That US Bill doesn't even mean the end of commercial organic farming in the US, much less an end to growing food for your own consumption...although it is clearly a case of Monsanto flexing its muscles; and it is still perfectly legal to photograph policemen in the UK...just not when they are on anti-terrorist stake-outs. Hyperbole never helps anyone's case.)
As for what I tell my children...nothing. There is a difference between telling and discussing. They are old enough, intelligent enough and mature enough to weigh the evidence for themselves and come to the appropriate conclusions without any prepping from me.