[Plugin] Components onto Faces v1.2.0 UPDATE May 23, 2013
you best be replac'n them there irons with some shoot'n irons where that thin's gona be a tak'n ya yer gona need 'em. he he...
UPDATE: v1.0 released - The video in the beginning is also updated
This new version has a new tool called "Components onto Face Collections". It treats collections of faces that have had their edges smoothed/hidden as a single face. So the terrain issue where it was copying 2 components onto each collection of faces is fixed. The new tool will only copy a single component onto the 2 faces. I hope that makes sense and I hope its helpful,
Neat update, save some manipulations
Wow, very nice update.
Thank you Chris. -
Yes, triangles in general are tricky for this script to comprehend because it is basing the centerpoint on the BoundBox, which is alsway a box, even for triangles. I suppose I could test each single face to see if it is a triangle and then find the center of the 3 points instead of the boundingbox method.
Would it be enough to write a 3rd tool called "Components onto Triangle Faces" or something like that. It would only handle triangle faces and nothing else probably. Or would it be better to try to make the two current versions smarter to handle traingles differently? I think I could do it either way fairly easily. Let me know if anyone has a preference - new tool for triangles, or make the 2 current ones support them. I'll think about it while I'm gone today and I'll get back to it later.
Thanks for the suggestions and comments,
I think it'd make more sense to 'smarten' the original script. Centre of the triangle is most likely expected than centre of bounding box. My 2Β’
i agree, a single tool, that way if you have tri's and quad's on the same selection it would fill both. also i don't know if the new version works this way, but if you turn on hidden geometry causing triangles to appear, it should then respect the triangle faces.
as i was watching the video i came up with another idea i think might be kind of handy. what do you think of the idea of copy every [n]face ? where [n] would be 3, every third face would get a copy etc... would probably be fairly easy to implement and could be quite useful.
@boilingsnow said:
Thank you very much Chris.
A suggestion: If the faces are triangle, I wish your skript still can put the components onto the centroids of them.
Great suggestion, done!
UPDATE: v1.1
Now works much better with triangles. I wrote it so the 2 existing tool are just smarter, and that was definitely the way to go. So hopefully this is helpful. I also updated the video.Chris
Waiting now the top Sphere collection
Maybe something like "a component onto face only if this face is bigger than..." -
You want it to not copy a component onto all the tiny little faces? I could write it, but I'm not sure if its universally needed by everyone. I'd hate to take away a feature that others like.
Ahh, I think I see. Take the sphere and unsmooth all edges. Then just smoothe the top triangle faces and the bottom ones. Then run components into face collections and it will treat the top of the sphere as a single face. Then triple click on the sphere and re-smooth all the faces.
You say smooth, resmooth...with what tool? Maybe a Duhduh
@unknownuser said:
its universally needed by everyone
maybe not but it's universally for the geometry and ask nothing to do for the user! (unsmooth, resmooth etc...
For the coder that ask to calculate the surface
I don't know if it's hard or not and time consuming for the processAnd that works not so good a wished but maybe I don't use the good tool for Unsmooth? ( Soften Edges ?
Here is what I was thinking.
Does that help?
Oh darn, I just did some more in-depth reading on "centroids" and I think I did not quite implement the triangle center finding mechanism quite right. It works in general, but I'm pretty sure there will be triangles that will still confuse it. OH well, if its really a problem the way I implemented it, I can look into fixing it. A fix will be a bit more math intensive than I wan to invest in it if possible...
Chris, have you considered the copy every Nth face suggestion? it would be great if the N could be random as well with a min max value for the total copies.
this good idea !
But...this plugin for face only. If Select a single component and a series of pionts of intersection. Then run this script. It will copy that component onto all the pionts of intersection. It will ignore any faces, groups, images, etc that are in the selection set. If more than one component is selected, it will use the first one it encounters.then this plugin will is very very nice !
for piont of intersection same for faces .useful for everyone !