Bike Porn
Beautiful shapes Remus! I am cycling to work everyday, but my bike it is a tough bloke in comparison to those beauties.
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This is my workhorse
I have 2 bikes right now (one just got nicked
otherwise I would have 3). One is a Dawes Galaxy from 1978 frame with all new parts converted into single speed. For fun I have a Swobo fixie plus a Dahon Speed S7 foldup which got nicked.
First one for communting to work and college. Second one for weekend. Third one for rainy days.
I have this mutha, but in silver. It is a lovely bike.
Just finished doing up one for my girlfriend. Went a bit crazy with the handle bar. Have to find the time to take some photos.
Love the gold rims
Wow, pimping man!
Howd you get the chain tight on the top one chango? Any special trickery or just playing around with the chain length until it worked?
Well I just pulled wheel back reasonably forcefully and held it in place with one hand and tightened it with the other. Is this what you are asking?
I was wondering more about how you got the chain the right length, as i cant imagine you get a huge amount of room for adjustment with a horizontal dropout.
Oh I see, I can't remember changing the chain length so I must have got it at that length. Sorry if thats no help to you.
Cool idea, not too keen on the aesthetics of it though.