Bike Porn
I have this mutha, but in silver. It is a lovely bike.
Lugs. Meh.
Here's my track frame, which I designed myself (part of the designing was done using SU):
Titanium is not the best material for a track frame, but it's individual, to say the least. I should have specced some gussetting / webbing around the bottom bracket / chainstay area.
Sweet ride youve got there tim
My current bike:
Just finished doing up one for my girlfriend. Went a bit crazy with the handle bar. Have to find the time to take some photos.
i wish i had more time to ride these days.. here are my two...
right after i finished it a few years ago.. (san stickers now and a few more cabon fiber goodies)
and i picked this up for the hilly rides
Love the gold rims
Wow, pimping man!
My bikes, all built (not the frames obviously) by yours truely except for the Swobo.
One for the Road
One for the weekend
One for the Misus
Howd you get the chain tight on the top one chango? Any special trickery or just playing around with the chain length until it worked?
Well I just pulled wheel back reasonably forcefully and held it in place with one hand and tightened it with the other. Is this what you are asking?
I was wondering more about how you got the chain the right length, as i cant imagine you get a huge amount of room for adjustment with a horizontal dropout.
Oh I see, I can't remember changing the chain length so I must have got it at that length. Sorry if thats no help to you.
Cool idea, not too keen on the aesthetics of it though.
wasnt there a folding Puma bike, that used a cable as the downtube.....which also doubled as the cable for the lock...that was kind of a cool bike...
*edit...found the pics..
Can't remember the name, but back in the day (not that long ago- about 15 years ago) there was a BMX manufacturer who used a sprung cable instead of a downtube and they briefly branched into mountainbike frames. Thankfully they disappeared from the magazines about as quickly as they had appeared. To be fair they got decent reviews, but as we all know MTB magazines are extremely biased towards gadgets and fangled bits so in their excitement they probably overlooked "minor" points like torsional stiffness LOL. Re: the cabled bike in Chango's link I really wonder if there is an aerodynamic advantage of using several cables rather than standard diamond or monocoque carbon frame? It seems to me that the turbulance generated around several (vibrating) cables would cause more drag than that around a single large stiff tube or tubes.
While I'm being a bike nostalgia nerd- anyone remember Tioga Disk Drive Wheels?! I read not long ago that John Tomac was selling his old ones on ebay- crosswind terrors aside, the really funny part is that apparently after each ride his mechanic had to write exactly how many hours they'd been ridden on them in marker pen as they had a tendency to implode after about 50 hours' of use. To think these were the ultimate dream MTB component back in the early 90's and now looking at them they look like something someone fished out of a canal.
exploding wheels are always fun! speaking of.. my previous fixed gear had the Spinergy Rev X's which were rumored to catastrophically fail....i still cant believe they made mountain bike wheels too! anyway, cant find any pics of that bike at the moment... but, i did build a bike for someone a couple years ago (semi famous ex nba player, actually) and he 'had' to have the rev x's on his bike..
By marked001, shot with E7900 at 2007-11-15
i never had any problems with them.. but i was a little concerned using them on someone else's bike
but he's had no problems yet.
Nice track frame, what is it?
It's been awhile since I've done any cycling (and it shows.) Here's my Cannondale C-400 (only in white.) The "C" is for comfort which, like a good pair of shoes, get's more important the older you get.
It was sold as a hydrid road/trail.
@chango70 said:
Nice track frame, what is it?
that's actually a cheap ass frame because i was trying to build this as cheaply as possible
plus, it had a cool design... sanded it down and painted it satin black..