⚠️ Important | Please update Libfredo to v15.1a for bugfixes associated to SketchUp 2025 and below
Ocean Modelling?
I suppose the Dutch will find it useful...
I thought that update notice was an error?
Initially, but shortly after it was the real McCoy.
Do you think it's worth the upgrade?
Worth? It's free... not sure what you mean... It addresses a bunch of crashes and other issues, so; yes.
"Worth" meaning worth the hassle if it doesn't resolve much. Sometimes upgrades mean more bugs ( I won't mention any (Vista) names tho)
As I read, there was some serious error with dxf imports on Mac so Mac user definitely should upgrade. Also some text issues (PC) in LO were fixed.
I see by your new avatar that your nose has gotten longer.
Can we still trust you?
mitcorb -
I can only say what I keep saying to women: NEVER TRUST ME!