How to draw/ adjust a Railway Track (not straight)?
I am building a 3D model of a Railway Station, I have built up almost everything myself, except of the train and the tracks (and stairs). Doesn in SletchUp exists an easy way to change the shape of an object (i.e. curving it) withouth create a deformation?
In particular I have to curve the track of the railway as the platforms are not a straigh line.
Thanks for help
Using the follow me tool should do it, i'll knock up a quick tutorial when i get home.
You can also try an offset from the platforms and the line will be the same shape following the line of the platform. A quick offset again from each line for the width of each track, join the two ends and then push pull a few inches for the height of the tracks. Alternatively you can highlight all the single offset lines and use the 'curves to walls' ruby plug in and set a height and width for the tracks which is a bit faster.
By the way there's also stairmaker Rubys and I'm sure you can find a train model on 3d Warehouse for the other elements of your model.
Try here for the Rubys
heres the tut.
Thing i forgot to write in the tut: where youve got long straight sections you can just use a component piece and scale it.
Thank Joker and Kenny.
Joker, the tutorial that you sent me was really useful, thanks for your time!
Kenny, the ruby library seems very rich, but it is difficult to choose the right plugIns, I will spend more time examining the site! Thanks a lot
besides the follow up tool you could use Profile Builder.