Identify like components
Is there a way to identify other like components? I have once again inherited someone elses model who is no longer with our company. When this model was built he had limited SU experience. I am trying to make some updates but before I edit a component I would like to know if I need to make it unique or not. I'm guessing there is an easy way of doing this I'm just not sure how.
Thanks -
Right click->entity info should tell you how many instances of a component there are in your model.
Yes it tells me how many but I would like to know where they are so I can determin if the others should remain the same or if they can all be changed. As I said this model was started by someone with limited experience so his modeling technique was not up to par. For example this model has x amount of windows the same size but for some reason several of them are different components. Therefore when I go to edit them I'm not quite sure which one will cange along with the one that I am editing.
Hmmm, you might have some luck going view->component edit->hide rest of model. This will hide the rest of the model and only leave the components your changing visible.
If you then change this to a shortcut you could quickly flip between the 2 modes to see where they are in relation to the rest of the model.
OK try this
Go to window select outliner
the window opens up
select the component that you want to find, it will then select it in model they will all have the same name so shift and select them all this will show you where they are if you put x ray face style on it will be easier to seeHope this helps
Tox -
Go to the In Model Components Library. Pick the component you're interested in there, right click on it and choose Select Instances.
Thanks! These are all good ideas however I'm not sure how easy these will be. THis person did not name any of the components so identifying them in the outliner and component window I fear will be a bit difficult. Remus I think your idea might work best but I will give them all a try and see which one works best
(You can also select the component in the sketchup model and it will high light in the outliner hopefully the ones listed above and below will be the same component)
Good Luck
there is a ruby script that will select all instances of a component from the right click menu, I think this is the most straightforward way to accomplish that. Possibly named instances.rb?
Thanks! this rb is a big help.