Automatic "Bloom effect" in Photoshop
Thanks I'll give it a try!~
Thanks Miguel. Could you possibly post a before and after image to show what the effect is? I think that would help "sell" this Photoshop action.
Sepo, i think he was refering to images uploaded to the board rather than in SU, thats still a rather useful tip though.
Ecuadorian, you can either upload your images a bit smaller or you can upload them to an external hosting site (photobucket or something similar) and then link them to your post using the [img] tag.
Click the images to make them expand.
Oopsy...sorry about that.
Thank you Miguel for the images and explanation.
Yes, I should have. Please excuse my lazyness.
Ok, here's a quick render of the now-famous warehouse, before...
and after applying the action:
I programmed the F7 key to activate the action. As you can see, this works best in dark interiors with bright windows.Render took 2 minutes in Podium evaluation version 1.6 on my old Core 2 Duo E6300. I took the .hdr output and tone-mapped it in Photomatrix before applying the filter in Photoshop.
By the way, how do you prevent your image attachments from becoming framed with slide bars? [correction: scroll bars]
works great, thanks!
Can't find any such thing in CS3.
It should be a little thing just underneath the close x in the actions window. You can load the action from there.