Hyberbaric Treatment Suite at a hospital
Nice one Fletch.
It's the little details that make a render a great one, you nailed it.
you can go to hospitals for emergency tan's now? wicked
nice work too
Great job, looks just about perfect to me!
Awesome render Fletch! Are these all mesh lights or did you use some IES lights?
Your the Kerkythea master.
awesome, your render look very real. Bravo
like I said in another forum, great work!!!!!
I would like to ask, ceiling lights, are points of light?
you are too kind! really!
the floor mat. is tiling terribly... and it's a bit dark...The light on right, and ceiling basket lights are area lights (mesh lights, light emitting surfaces, whatever)... the pendant lights at rec. desk are straight from 3D warehouse ... since they were modelled correctly (with glass thickness) I could just make them translucent glass w/ normal KT spot in them. (hot spot 45 falloff 160 or something...) no light portal or anything, just KT physical sky/sun.
don't have time to fix the floor, but added some soft glow. I was trying to avoid any post pro "effect", but couldn't resist a little one...
Looks great either way Fletch! Thanks for the info on your lighting setup...
Great work Fletch
, I also thought it was a photograph of how it was before.
That is some great rendering.
fletch, stop putting us on right now! this is a photograph and you are trying to sell it as your render! we want the truth about this!
You truly are one kerkythea master. I wish I could put my thea to good use rendering sumthin like that. Thanks for sharing your lighting setup. One more thing, did you tweak MLT or was it the default one?
Very nice work there. I almost believed the first image was a photograph. You should add med gas hose to the chambers. Green and yellow.