Need a creative solution for reversed text
Ok, On the ship I'm building, it's very symmetric so What I do on the right side is repeatable on the left with a quick mirror. The problem I'm having is that when I mirror a component, it's reversed on the other side. Now this isn't much of a problem except that I wish to add text to my components. I think you know what happens here, my text gets reversed. Not only this, because when you fix one component, you fix all of them, making them correct on one side flips the other.
Anyone have some creative solutions for this? Locking the text object doesn't help. (I didn't think it would but gave it a shot for experiment's sake) attached is a picture with an example.
Don't mirror the object with the text.
Create your object, mirror it. Then add the text. Copy the text to the mirrored object.
Awww, I'm trying to be lazy about it. When you have ~400 components on a level, replacing all the text can be kind of a chore. I'll just plop them down after I do the mirror function.