Move Entities
I just noticed when trying to move a number of selected entities that I can only move them along one axis and not the axis I want.
What am I missing?
I have not noticed this before and I've been using Sketchup since version 5.
Probably have a component selected that is glued to the face. You'll need to right click on the component and choose "unglue". That should do the trick,
Hrm, never used unglue before. You can also use the directional keyboard keys to lock to a particular axis (Up=Blue Right=Red Left=Green). This is very different from what Chris was suggesting though. With this method anything that is glued will stay glued and the glued edges will come along for the ride (I use this technique a lot for this reason). Use whichever method best suits your needs.
If it is a dynamic component, make sure that one of the position attributes is not "locked" or set to equal some set number.
Some components can glue themselves to a face. Then no matter what modifier keys you hold down, they will never move off their set plane until you unglue them. It catches lots of people off-guard. And like Matt says, now DC's introduce an entirely new way to lock something to a plane and unglueing does not work in that case.
I was referring to a number of selected entities, not a component. The selection may have included a group.
I have not figured it out yet.
Thanks for the suggestions though.
Note that groups can also glue to a plane - if they were created on a face on this plane. If the selection that "may have included a group" included such a group, it is understandable.
See attached file - you cannot move group A along the blue axis until you right click on it and select "Unglue" from the context menu (or delete the face it is glued to). If you select both (A and B) groups, since the selection contains at least one group that is glued, you still cannot move them up/down however you can move group B alone.
Is this where you click Move and then Shift to make the selected move off axis? or does this apply here? Just an idea.
mitcorbedit. oops. I meant select items, select Move, and then ALT to release from axis lock. Still, is this the appropriate procedure?