.quick rough photo overlay.
no idea what to call this technique....haha... but trying to figure something out where i can quickly and ROUGHLY overlay some new furniture, fixtures, etc to present to the end user.. ideally, it needs to be textured though...need to see if i can make that work... i think the white works though... any input would be great..thanks!
In the art world, an overlay of this type is sometimes called an "onion skin." It refers to the type of durable, semi transparent paper used for just such purposes. The concept and technique is also used is some design programs as well.
I like it
could you tell us about your workflow?
Dang, Edson... I wanted to ask Jason the same...
Well, well... As they say... Great minds think alike... -
onion skin...yes, i've heard that before!
i'm going to try adding some color to the furniture, but leave the floor/background white so it stands out from the photo...my client isnt liking the 'band' going down the center and wants it to fill the whole left side... but i think it will end up being a less interesting composition?
workflow was pretty simple....i used photo match and then traced over and put the components in...scale was an issue, so i tweaked the sizes of everything a bit.. probably could avoid this a little more if i got the size closer in photomatch... this output is actually straight from sketchup... ultimately, i will output the linework without the photo though and arrange it in pshop so i can have more control over things...
thanks for the kind words.... should have an update later this afternoon, since the meeting is on monday
Thats really interesting. Any chance of getting the file uploaded to take a look at?
I'm not sure I follow how you did this.
If I read this correctly one could use Vitrite to get transparency of SU and set up rough camera ....save the jpeg and overlay in Photoshop as new layer giving some transparency. This is the way I did it in past.
That looks great Jason! I really like the style and composition...
I like this, too. Very nice work. I'd also like to know about your workflow for this.
Both images are very intriguing and very attractive. I do favor the first one because it's unique and it strikes me as artistic. However the client always gets what they want.
Well done, very creative.