Hidden_not hidden?
look at this picture, pay close attention to selected geometry and info box.
i can't get this unhidden no matter what i do, any ideas?
Open Outliner Box and unhide there
This is when object is hidden but layer is not. -
didn't show as hidden in outliner either.
or on right click, or in the menu when i clicked unhide all??i finally exploded the group, right click, then unhide was availiable; regrouped.
looks like a bug, maybe someone could move this posting.
I have group wich contains 3 types of components. When i hide one type of component in Outliner window then that component is showing up like in Your screenshot.
Open Window -> Outliner and there unhide everything.
that geometry is all in one (top level) group, the file only contains four groups, and the four groups all showed as visible in the outliner.
Can you post that su file?
Isn't it that you've wrapped a group around your hidden geometry?
@thomthom said:
Isn't it that you've wrapped a group around your hidden geometry?
That's my guess, too. If there is some hidden geometry inside the group, when you click on the group, it won't show hidden since the group itself is not hidden.
Note that the Outliner won't list your raw (ungrouped) geometry so no wonder you couldn't see it there.
Also, if you go to Edit > Unhide (...whatever), it will only unhide geometry in the same context you are in - eg. if outside the group, all ungrouped (and hidden) geometry, if inside the group, all that's inside - but only that's inside.
after reading your posts i did some experimenting and it turns out that i must have selected all then hide while inside the group. wierd, i wouldn't expect it to work that way.
thanks for the replies, that could've caught me again down the road cause i had no idea why it happened.