[Obsolete] FredoScale 1.0e (Free Scaling, Taper Scaling)
@daniel s said:
Fredo already post a shear transformation plugin that works very well.
Click here: PlaneShear
It`s not very popular because itยดs inside a question topic.Daniel S
How could i missed a Fredo Script ?
OMG Shear works great Im impresed 2 times by you Fredo in a day, and nice icons you made last year for it Daniel.Fredo the only thing i miss in shear deformation is that it groups the shear object at the end, in your Taper deformation that does not happen so you can deform part of an object without breaking it in 2.
It would be amazing to bend, twist, shear, bugle just part of an object.
That way Organic Modeling would be like playing with clay in SU,
Thxs to so talented scripters like you -
This new version fixes all the problems in the scale tool in all the axis.
I didnยดt try before the Taper with negative scales. Seems that now there is a problem only if you try to Taper with negative scales about center (pressing the Ctrl key). All the rest works very well.
I attach a video of this too.Thank you,
Daniel S
just to sow my respect to u
majid -
Thank you! THANK YOU!!!very very VERY much Fredo6
Thanksyou Fredo ,it 's wonderful script, good idol of SU plugin for me ,I like it ,thanks again.
Great work with this very useful sript, Google really needs to give you a job!
I've been begging for this for years... and here it is...
Fredo! You rock, my friend! Fantastic! Thanks so much for sharing! -
I have posted an update to FreeScale and to LibFredo6.
It mainly fixes some problems of stability when scaling or tapering with negative factors, as well as minor issues here and there.Please make sure you update both
FreeScale 1.0c--> http://www.sketchucation.com/forums/scf/viewtopic.php?f=180&t=16021#p124685
LibFredo6 3.0c --> http://www.sketchucation.com/forums/scf/viewtopic.php?f=180&t=16020#p124684
Thanks to all for your warm support and your contribution to testing this very first version of FreeScale. I hope to add a few features soon in the future, hopefully.
NEW NEW UPDATE - 3 Feb 09 - 00:20
There was a big bug in my previous update 1.0c (Scale about center did not work any longer). Sorry for that.
Please make sure you download the version **1.0d**in the main thread.
Sorry again. I hope this one will be stable again.
Absolutely fantastic. One of the tools I've also thought should just be included in SU by default. Thanks so much!
This is so useful. Thank you very much for your efforts. AWESOME!!!
Thanks Fredo. I can see tons of use for this plugin.
Question: Would it be possible to have a "object oriented" move tool with a gizmo. It would be very useful for positioning object. Maybe a switch in the tool between world coord and object space coords (rotated object directions).
Thank you very much Fredo.
It has allready been very handy !!erikB
First: thanks Fredo, this plugin is going to make a lot of things a lot easier and quicker. I could have used taper on some recent things and being able to reorient the scaling box is something I will use all the time.
Second: how it works on the Mac. I didn't see many people writing about this, so I thought I would let you know. The good news is that generally works fine, the only problem is a couple of UI things. The web dialogs do display, but it fills the bottom half of the window with nothing (presumably stretching the little blankspace border you normally get around things), but you can get around this by resizing the window until you see everything.
The slightly bigger problem for me is labels. The mouseover description works fine, but the labels under icons are blank (when I turned them on), in the menu there are four blank lines, which work for selecting the tools, but have no names and I do not get anything in the flyout from the context menu (I mean there isn't a flyout, but there should be, the Freescale thing is there, but nothing happens). I don't care about the labels per se, but I use keyboard shortcuts a lot and without a label there is nothing to bind it to (I want to replace S for the normal scale tool
The only thing I can think of off the top of my head would be a filename/case sensitivity problem, as that is more likely to affect OS X than Windows (which I think is still case insensitive, at least most of the time). You will probably know better than me, though.
That's funny James, I was just logging on to describe exactly what you are talking about.
I, too, wanted to change my shortcut, but, in the shortcut window, there are four freeform scales listed, but, if I assign S to one of them, it applies to all of them and then has no effect at all while modeling.
The context menu, like James describes, is all blank, but each space, if clicked on, operates a different function.
Still, I am loving this plugin! One of my most used 5, no doubt.
Thanks Fredo!
one of the most beautifully integrated scripts! thanks and bravo!!!
This awesome plugin must contains awesome icons...
Icon master CadFather!!! This plum job is naturally for you! -
Thank you, this ruby looks very interesting... I will try it as soon I possible!!
@james fraser said:
Second: how it works on the Mac. I didn't see many people writing about this, so I thought I would let you know. The good news is that generally works fine, the only problem is a couple of UI things. The web dialogs do display, but it fills the bottom half of the window with nothing (presumably stretching the little blankspace border you normally get around things), but you can get around this by resizing the window until you see everything.
The slightly bigger problem for me is labels. The mouseover description works fine, but the labels under icons are blank (when I turned them on), in the menu there are four blank lines, which work for selecting the tools, but have no names and I do not get anything in the flyout from the context menu (I mean there isn't a flyout, but there should be, the Freescale thing is there, but nothing happens). I don't care about the labels per se, but I use keyboard shortcuts a lot and without a label there is nothing to bind it to (I want to replace S for the normal scale tool
to James, Kanonbal and other Mac users.
Let's take things in order
on the WebDialog UI, could anyone post a screenshot of the half visible dialog box.
For the menus, FreeScale installs by default in Tools > Fredo6 Collection > FreeScale. From there, there are four command menus (i.e. the FreeScale tools), and 6 support menus (About..., support web, documentation, video, Translation and Default Parameters). Which ones do you see, and which ones do you not see ?. A screenshot would help as well.
- Do you get text in the status bar?
- do you see the menus for LibFredo6 Settings (in Windowsmenu)?
- could you switch to French, and advise if you see the FreeScale menu items?
- For the "labels", are you talking about the toolbar icon tooltips, or about the tooltips that appear at the cursor location (there may be a problem on Mac because may I use 2 lines tooltip)?
Thanks very much for your feedback. As most of the problems mentioned are in functions managed in my Shared Library LibFredo6, I hope that fixing them for FreeScale will help to have a smoother release for my other plugins on Mac.
By the way, could some Mac User open the Ruby console and type the following command.