Making a ground with diffrent levels ( for beginners )
Great tutorial!
Thanks and welcome.
Funny but I just posted a topic asking how other people do topography and your method is exactly the same.
How do you go about doing kerbs and pavements?
@neoshed said:
How do you go about doing kerbs and pavements?
I'd simply use Joint Push Pull to either "sink" the road lower than the pavement (thus the pavement stay at the same level as the surrounding street blocks) or rise the pavement if you have other things in mind.
Might be some minor glitches here and there but overall this would be the fastest method and the few glitches should be able to be handled easily with some minor hand stitching.
thanks a lot my friends
really i liked this forum so much
and i hope to continue with u -
Nicely explained.
I've tried many ways with many different apps to achieve this result. Displacement mapping from dems, lofting nurbs curves, using basic mesh tecniques, specialised terrain from contour software, etc.
I have to say, the SU sandbox method has to be the most simple and direct. Some mesh specialists will complain that the mesh which sandbox tools generates is scruffy, but hey, if you really care about that, you could export the mesh to blender and retopo a fresh one.
The stamp and drape tools are cool.
Dear Shaheen,
It would be useful to Newbies if you could put your tutorial into .pdf format so that it could be easily downloaded and used for study.
Thanks for your efforts.
Kind regards,
Bob -
I'll have to have a look at the joint push pull. I have it but I dont think I've ever tried it yet
Nice indeed, Shaheen. Knowing how difficult is the tutorial "Art".
@watkins said:
Dear Shaheen,
It would be useful to Newbies if you could put your tutorial into .pdf format so that it could be easily downloaded and used for study.
Thanks for your efforts.
Kind regards,
Bobthanks bob for ur reply . i'll do that never mind
may be this link could be interesting for you :
there you will find a tutorial which shows how to create contour lines from an GE-Image.
Greetings from Frankfurt / Germany
fantastic tutorial man i love it....