License on laptop and desktop?
Dear Gaieus,
Would you please confirm that one can install SU Pro7 on both a desktop (at work say) and a laptop (at home say), and only need to buy one license? I recently bought two academic licenses on the advice of the UK retailer. He said I needed a separate license if I wanted to run SU Pro7 on my laptop at home.
Do your earlier comments have the endorsement of Google?
Kind regards,
Bob -
Hi Bob,
Read the paragraph about single licenses here: said:
A Single-user license is assigned to one person and can only be used by the registered user. That individual can install the license on any computer he or she is using, but only one computer can run SketchUp Pro at a particular time...Now since academic licenses are only sold by resellers outside the US/Canada, I don'tknow what their policy is in these cases. I could imagine however that your reseller screwed you.
And as Gaieus mentioned, you can only use it on one machine at a time. If I have my laptop at work, and I try to use SketchUp on both machines it will inform me that my license limits have been exceeded. I'm wireless and automatically connected to the internet in both locations, I think this also plays a part.
BUT if you use both at the same time, no problem because the second one will simply run in evaluation mode that is the same as you had the free version installed on it. You can go on working and all - except editing DC's and exporting vector formats.
Dear Gaieus,
Thanks for making that clear.
Kind regards,
Bob -
watkins, if you are an educator - in Google parlance- you can get a free version of Pro 7 for your own use. I got mine from Journey Ed , you just need to provide them with some form of 'academic proof'. e.g. staff id/payslip/letter from principle whatever.
Is free educator licence available in UK or applies to US only?
I see. I presume you had to buy something before they give it for free for year. I have commercial pro license which I use for my teaching. Another one would make life easier.
I'm based in the UK and it didn't seem to cause a problem.
Should have said though that this is a one year licence.
This link gives all of the details -
No, I didn't have to buy anything.
I wanted the Pro version so that I could learn more about DC's and Layout to see if it would be worthwhile upgrading to Pro on the student machines - the jury is still out on that one -
For student machines in an educational institutions there is the so called "lab license". Do you mean that?
I have to say, Google is so damn decent with their licensing - buying one license and being able to use them on many different machines (only one at a time) and all the other machines automatically switch back to the free version, when the license is in use.
the same with network licenses for an office (so you only have to buy a few pro licenses, because for most modelling it is not necessary).
that is absolutely fantastic. then free educators licenses and really cheap ones for students...
that is absolutely fantastic!