Sketchup Training Camp....put on by Forum members?
@click draw said:
...Would anyone be up for picking a location that is most central to the people interested...?
Hi Jeff,
Cool idea - though you didn't mention the continent...
I would definitely be in for it!
@gaieus said:
Cool idea - though you didn't mention the continent...
my vote goes for Europe
didn't we have a similar discussion about a SCF-organised Basecamp in Europe for those who didn't have a chance to attend the one in Boulder, Colorado?
what sort of scale did you have in mind, Jeff? just a few people meeting up and having some SU-fun together? or a proper camp with lots of people? -
@plot-paris said:
didn't we have a similar discussion about a SCF-organised Basecamp in Europe for those who didn't have a chance to attend the one in Boulder, Colorado?
Yes, we did. Actually there are some things being on the agenda...
It was in Mountain View, CA though (the "original, first" BC was in Boulder in 2005 autumn/fall) -
Continent....hummmm. The way domestic pricing is on flights within Canada are, It's cheaper to fly to the US or Europe. I guess we would have to see who is into doing this and where they are from. As long as I have enough time to plan, the place shouldn't be too much of an issue. I think keeping it light and not too formal, the whole idea would be for us to have fun while we are learning. Much like it is on the forum. Basically, a live forum. Another thing I was thinking was a training DVD or Manual comprised of tutorials contributed by forum members and the sale proceeds can go towards some of the cost of a training camp. Any thoughts???
Jeff -
Good ideas Jeff, I'd love to see it happen.
As gaieus mentioned this was talked about at length but I wonder if we initially set our sites too high.
I have thought for a while it would be very beneficial to encourage scf/pushpull bar/googlegroups members to form local SU user groups in their hometowns. For instance the "Manchester sketchup users group" or the "NY sketchup users group" that could meet weekly or monthly for training, discussions, portfolio presentations etc. Maybe members take it in turns to write and present tutorials. The linux community do this, they call them "LUGs". From what I understand it really helps to have that grass-roots level connection not just on the net but on the street too. I also think it could really help raise the profile of SU in local industry or education. Socially it would be good fun too. Maybe some groups like this already exist.
Google could keep a track of the membership numbers in these groups and that might encourage them to put on more basecamps - not just in the states. Failing that, there would be networking between the local user groups in each country or continent, so they could come together to stage a once yearly big event and be confident that it is well publicised and will be well attended.
I agree Linea. One of many of the reasons I am so PRO Sketchup is that forums like this, privately contributed ruby script writers, certain features like getting credit for uploaded and shared components, that is kind of gives me the feeling that I have some sort of ownership and say in this program. Regardless, there will always be issues of someone not being totally happy with something.
May we could have some offers or hands on tutorials and Q/A's with any plugin vendors as well, but again, keeping it focused on keeping it fun and sharing techniques and experiences. I really think it could be a win win situation for everyone, and, a good excuse for a holiday or trip. Look at it as a very fun business expense!Jeff
That's it??? No on else interested? I'm surprised.
No, that's not "it", Jeff. We do have plans. I myself am very enthusiastic about it and I even know Googlers who feel the same way.
I kind of figured that...I'm just trying to hype up some people and keep this thread visible
Jeff -
I think, in terms of local groups, the best thing to do is just to start doing it, I'm going to ask a few SU users I know if they are interested, and put up a poster at the local university and see what happens. To get things started we'll meet in the pub.
and about the camp... we could start looking for a location again (which will take forever, because everyone is going to choose some place close ).
most important is of course a place that is easy to reach (probably with an international airport close by - like london), but preferably something cheaper than the most expensive capital in europe...
so perhaps some architecturally valuable city in eastern or central europe? (what do all the americans say about this )
..... I still think SketchUcruise was an idea worth looking at. All aboard with no added extras and we could hit many places of interest on the Mediterranean.
Just a thought! What if we, a group of us or groups, on a SketchUcruise could do some actual WORK while cruising. I wonder if the places of interest on the cruise would be willing to PAY to have their historic buildings modeled in SketchUp and uploaded to Google Earth.
Hey! Just maybe the trip could pay for itself. As far a numbers goes I imagine such a cruise could take in the region of 200 plus!
There are many med cruise options. The big boats also have broadband! Hey! we could even bring wifes, girlfriends / boyfriends along so there would be no back lash in this department.
Hi Mike,
Some great ideas....well, except bringing the girlfriends or wives (oh hi honey, no no...i was just kidding...course I want you to go....)I will start looking at flight prices just to get some idea if it is doable for me. Another idea is have two, a western hemisphere and an eastern hemisphere. Either way, I think SOMETHING needs to be organized.
Hi Jeff
I like the idea. I've been thinking about an event like this for a few years and have an offer to put on the table. East Midlands airport in the UK, accessible by rail, air and road from anywhere in the UK. By air from any EU country. Multitude of conference venues within a stones throw, or a short bus or car journey into Nottingham, Derby or Leicester. London is just 2hrs by train for sight seeing or the Eurotrain. Many hotels nearby at various budgets.
My wife has been a conference organiser and I've had lots of organisational experience and am happy to stand up and crack bad jokes in front of lots of people. Willing to either head this up or be a worker in the background if someone else steps forward. I live nearby so can get all the day to day organisation done on the ground.
In addition my wife's been involved getting sponsorship in place for this kind of event, most noticeably orange (the phone people). Obviously funding is a necessity unless we all pay to attend.
So that's an offer on the table. If anyone's interested, or if anyone lives nearby and wants to get a coffee and talk SketchUp, please PM me! Likewise if any companies reading this are interested in sponsoring such an event.
Kind regards, Rob
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Rob, these are some great ideas. the British countryside is beautiful and outside of London it is probably not too expensive either. you definitely have my vote for that location.
[Edit] now we only have to check the cheapest/easiest way to travel from London airports (e.g. Stansted) to Middle East (train?)
Rob and Mike
These are both really good ideas.
The East Midlands / Birmingham area is a really good location. I agree with Mike though that the cruise, although it might at first seem expensive could well be a very affordable option - the idea of working on the boat is brilliant.
The only problem with a SketchUcruise is that Coen is prone to sea sickness if I remember correctly maybe there are others. But the Med in Spring / Autumn is quite calm and on a big ship this is not a major problem.
I DO think something could be organised along these lines and will work quietly way on it in the background.
The main thing is that there is a willingness by a good number of Members to have a Conference.Mike