Making Cartoon characters
Dear Pete,
How about a gargoyle or the Green Man for those who like to model historic buildings.
Bob -
To support Bob's post (I didn't want to edit it)
I did say bugs bunny
I mean't Tony the tiger, GRRRRRRRate!!!
@unknownuser said:
Okay . .. Solo is just too good.
We're going to have to kill him.
Solo, the king!
Solo, one step important in using subdivide & smooth is create the model bigger than usual or create many edges for the model? Could you don't mind to upload more detail tutorial from here? I really want to get the complicated model skill for my self
awsome stuff Pete!
Hi Pete,
Fantastic quality.
But it's scary how quick you can produce these!Please my see my request attached.
Mr S -
Hi Solo,
i'm wondering, how many pictures do you use to create them?
I mean, i just see one picture in the request, do you go and look for a lot of pictures of the same cartoon from different points of view or do you just use one? -
Thanks again guys.
Mr S, it's been a long time since I made a character, one gets rusty when one does not practice.
However I should get a moment later to give it a go (putting myself on the spot here)fenS, well that depends on the character, I would normally search the net for at least two, a front and a side view, it does not have to be the same image from two views but rather images that I can use to model correctly.
I'm always up for a challenge, here you go, took 3 hours plus some change. A little heavy on the poly's due to the SDS meshing but overal I am satisfied.
Line and SU output, I may render it later
There you go walking on water again! Amazing work and in an incredibly short timeframe. It would take me 3 hours to model the handgun.
Hi Pete,
What can I say?
I made this request last night (Yosemite Sam) just before I finished work.
I come in this morning to find my request completed.FANTASTIC!
It only took you 3 hours?
I'd spend 3 hours just thinking about how to try and do this.I'm realy curious as to how you "fleshed out" a full 3D model from the simple 2D image I supplied. That was just a front view of the subject. Did you source side-on and back views? Or do you just rely on your own gut feeling as to the overall dimensions of the character. Based on your memory, perhaps, of watching the cartoon?
@unknownuser said:
This is cool, I altered some cel textures to make them cartoonish, I think it works great.
Are these "cel textures" something you use in Vue?
Or did you render using something else?Anyway, let me just say again how impressive your work is.
You set in an incredibly high bench mark for us to aim for.
A great inspiration!Regards
Mr S=======
Hear! Hear! Pete. AN Incredibly High Standard for us to achieve!
STOP IT!!!!!
I started making Homer.
And rendered with 'toon tones'
he's a bit easier
These characters are about my speed. All it takes is some Push Pull!
In the interest of full disclosure, I got help on this Homer from the warehouse. I tinkered with it a little. The gumby and pokey are mine. It's just that Homer is basically a cylinder and some spheres. I like the subsmooth tool, but I still struggle with controlling it and using FFD.