Keyboard shortcut problem
Ok, hopefully someone can help me this is driving me nuts. I installed Sketchup 7 on my new work laptop (hp 17" w/vista) and it opens up and works fine, but my keyboard shortcuts don't work. I've checked the shortcuts menu and they are set correctly but sketchup just doesn't respond to any of them. Escape only works when I have the selection tool selected, otherwise it doesn't even escape correctly...any ideas?
that sounds weird. my first thought was: perhaps you switched to a different keyboard-language (happens to me every now and then and suddenly 'Ctrl + Z' doesn't work anymore). but if even ESC doesn't work properly that can't be the reason.
Yeah, this Y vs Z happens to me all the time, too (FYI; on some European keyboards these are shifted from the English keyboard). But that would be motl the Undo/Redo and Zoom extent etc. only.
I also have no clue what may be happening (I guess such stupid suggestions that "are you sure your keyboard is plugged in" are wasting your time).
Is it not a wireless keyboard by any chance?
Nope this is a laptop so it's not a keyboard thing. It's really weird honestly, I have v.7 installed on my desktop and it works flawlessly so I'm guessing it's a Vista thing. I'm also having that issue where if I open the program directly it doesn't respond but if I open a file it works (known issue but still could be related).
Thanks for the input,
Peter -
Well in case it can help someone else out, I got it to work by exporting to a preferences.dat file then importing that file. Somehow that made it work so go's just nice to have my shortcuts back.