[Plugin] Boolean--OSCoolean (Dec 2013) for SU 8 up free ver
@unknownuser said:
SU 7 is now starting
Works fine with your test file
Works not when I create myself the 2 boxes!(each box is a group)
Must have the Pro versionEdit
Works with my boxes, but I must save my file and reload it before use your plug!
Is that normal?It is not normal! Anyway, your download skp file is working fine!
I will try to do more testing! -
Hi oscarlok,
i'm looking at this thread and i am thinking that this might me the solution for what i was looking for, but i am not sure (somehow i think it might also be the functionality that i am nรณt looking for).
Is it somehow possible to merge 2 object, use your tool and get rid of all the parts that are not available in both objects?
I managed to create something with the letters F, R and @ (which in Holland sounds a bit like my name but it costed me a lot of deleting of the parts that i didn't need, i am wondering if this is possible with your creations without all the timeconsuming deleting?)
(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2FEiWoAM6E)Regards from Holland!
Hi Fred,
Could you please upload your "Ready to Boolean SKP" (before boolean, but have model inside) here. So that I can test it!
I am now holiday in China. And I will be back next year!
Happy New Year
Hi Oscar,
sounds like a great way to spent newyear!
I am not quite sure how to upload a skp yet, (and at this moment i am typing on another computer than the one on which i make my .skp's)
but maybe i can write down how i did it? Maybe it is easy for you to replay?i create a square,
i pushpull it up until i have a solid block.
on the left side of the block i use the 'A' (write text) tool and just type the letter F,
on the front of the block i write the letter R and i make this the same hight as the F.
Then on top of the block i write down the '@' which i resize so it fits exactly (the hight of the '@' is the same as the width of the F and the (how do you call that in english? from left to right) of the '@' is the same as the (left to right) of the R.
Then i pushpull all the object backwards as much as needed or even more.
At this point (hopefully i have got this version on the other computer) i am ready to intersect and delete all the lines that i do not need, but i hope there is a faster way?I will try to find the skp on the other computer, the few coming days are very busy overhere so maybe a little silence from my part but in the meantime happy days and enjoy your stay in china!
To me the OSCoolean Beta(18-12-2008)is not working at all. It does nothing.
In the ruby console I get the error message which i have attached.
The previous ruby was working. Any clue?Thanks in advance
with best regards
Hi Oscar,
i have recreated the .skp you were asking for.
At this moment i have created a block 2000x2000x2000, inserted an F on the left side, a R on the front, drawn some help lines to the top and inserted the @ on the top and scaled it to fit between the lines (not exactly the right size but OK).
I have pushpulled everything to the other side and normally now i would do a lot of erasing but maybe you know another way of doing this?Thanks!
@prss said:
To me the OSCoolean Beta(18-12-2008)is not working at all. It does nothing.
In the ruby console I get the error message which i have attached.
The previous ruby was working. Any clue?Thanks in advance
with best regards
PRSSIs there any component in your SKP file, please?
My script is ONLY working in group at the moment.Oscar
Thank you for your reply Oscar. Yes the default face-me component Sang was there.
Once I removed him, it works now. But it takes two to three times more time to do
the operation than the previous first ruby script. But it is now working.Thanks once again
With best regards
Hi Oscar,
Did you already had an opportunity to look at my .skp?
I can create what i want with it, but that involves a lot of erasing unwanted lines and i am still wondering if this can be done in an easier way (i already have created the 'F/R/@'-image i wanted, but i have some more ideas i want to work out so i am very eager to learn a better/faster way.Thanks again!
Hi Fred,
Yes, I have tried your skp!
I am now starting to improved my script to avoid the "erasing unwanted lines".
At this moment, my new script(will be released soon / ver 2009) is operate inside group, that means the boolean result is inside a group.
Secondly, the speed is improved.
Now, It is the stable issue need to improved.Oscar
Happy Chinese New Year! -
I already love your new 'avoid erasing unwanted lines'-script!
(actually i thought it was already possible but i just was not seeing how,
looking forward for your new one!)
Happy Sketchyear to you too -
Hi Oscar,
Is it true that your tool only works with version 7 of Sketchup? If so, is there a way I can get it to work with the previous version? I have a slew of plugings I would have to migrate if I can't. And just to make sure I'm doing this right, I put the file in the plugins directory, correct?
Thanks for the script.
Thank you very much for this brilliant rb. Would you mind to share us the brief idea of the mechanism of this plugin? I want to do a union thing, but find it quite hard to do it without any guide.
Best regards
Narongwit -
For those who are saying nothing happens, well, you have to make each object a group/component. I was having the same problems like some of you until i made each object separate from eachother. When you place them together you choose one object then right click to the plugin and choose "cut" and depending of which object you chose you'll get the "negative" or "positive" cut. Although, I think there is a bug when you place an object in a severe angle inside, it tends to cut almost all of the opposite object leaving expose in the air only the hole that the other object traced. I wonder if the creator of this plugin is still working on the new release.
looks great !
tried both OSCoolean.rbs and OSCoolean.rb but neither worked...
I'm using SU6 under MacOS X 10.5 OS.
any working version for mac ?
thanks a lot -
just out of curiosity how does the OSCoolean differ from the commercial booltools plugin? -
In theory nothing but in practice that is an another story
For the information of te "rest of the World", Oscarlok updated the plugin (see the first post as of October 2010) for SU 8.
He just forgot to add a new post or bump the topic otherwise.
In your Oct release, only three icons are displayed. And the last two, cut and intersect perform the same function.
Thanks for your work with this plugin.
@unknownuser said:
In your Oct release, only three icons are displayed. And the last two, cut and intersect perform the same function.
Thanks for your work with this plugin.
Hello Ken,
I am sorry for that! I have changed it to the New OCT version. The previous one is still Sept version.
Thanks Ken