Life's drama...
'Architecture is a small piece of this human equation, but for those of us who practice it, we believe in its potential to make a difference, to enlighten and to enrich the human experience, to penetrate the barriers of misunderstanding and provide a beautiful context for life's drama.' FRANK GEARY.
As architects and designers... Do you consider yourself to be a spectator (going with the flow) or a player (pushing the boundaries) in this creative drama? -
I prefer things a bit more 'mature'...
i.e. you shouldn't experiment for experimentation's sake - however if it improves 'firmness', 'commodity'** or 'delight'** then it's OK...
- firmness = meaning robust construction that doesn't fall down, leak, get damp, catch fire too readily etc...
** commodity = meaning a building that's well-planned with its 'parts' where they are needed to be etc...
*** delight = that meaning hasn't really changed... your buildings should 'delight' their users...
- firmness = meaning robust construction that doesn't fall down, leak, get damp, catch fire too readily etc...
@honoluludesktop said:
After more decades then I care to own up to, I still believe, but only to the extend of the simple projects I work on. In the manner that I studied Architecture, Geary is the quintessential "Artist Architect". After all, one comes to see that there are many ways to "skin a cat".
Thank you for that insightful response.
DE -
When I was in school, Corbu, and Mies (and many others) were still alive. They were all part of the movement to rebuild Europe after WWII. After them came Nemier, Kahn, and others still seeking to exemplify the best of mankind in Architecture. I recall looking our over the city thinking that Architects would play a essential part of the "brave new world".
After more decades then I care to own up to, I still believe, but only to the extend of the simple projects I work on. In the manner that I studied Architecture, Geary is the quintessential "Artist Architect". After all, one comes to see that there are many ways to "skin a cat".