[REQ] Time dependant component
He is pretty much alive and kicking, busy with Podium and other things.
"Other things" includes wife and son (and good for him). He warned me that having a baby in the house would disrupt my scripting, and he was right
But the trade-off is worth it!
And I don't consider this hijacking too much, because this little guy is definitely a "time-dependent component" (of my life).
Thanks for the update, Rick. You're right, it's a good interruption.
Your Ian looks like a good fellow. Wait until he gets to 4 like my Ian is.
Nice kid Rick, congrats and much happiness!
still here, working on my secret project and Podium. and as Rick said - babysitting (as I work from home I am always babysitting
@unknownuser said:
still here, working on my secret project and Podium. and as Rick said - babysitting (as I work from home I am always babysitting
Glad to see you're still around though. Babysitting isn't so bad before they start to crawl and/or walk. You can find them where you left them. After they get mobile, you'll be a lot busier. Enjoy it.
@dave r said:
Babysitting isn't so bad before they start to crawl and/or walk. You can find them where you left them. After they get mobile, you'll be a lot busier. Enjoy it.
That's for sure - "hide and seek" is a favorite game right now, as is "try to get into an off-limits room before the door is shut"
And I think TBD's little one is almost 2 now, so he is probably talking a good deal (mostly in ruby, I'm sure).
Ah ha! TBD has been promoted to manager and his kid is writing all the scripts.
ha ha - I wish. he is more like the power button manager - shutdown when I am in the middle of something
That's funny. My son did that to me once.