Stuff Topic (Once "My Projects and W.I.P.s")
Funny thing, I post about .6 post a day.
That's a bit more than a post every 2 days.( for those of you who like obvious things pointed out)
Kevin, you on the other hand post almost 11 posts a DAY on average.(I can understand moderators getting records this high, solving people's problems and such but...)
Maybe you're starting to get a bit addicted to the forum... -
I responded to your logo and company name back at the top-ish of page 19.
oh yeah
I am ... flabbergasted. Really.
@unknownuser said:
I am ... flabbergasted. Really.
Don't you mean:
I am ... flabbergasted. Really. lol.
i mean omg, rotfl, cymk, nfl.
Sorry just learning Text speak. -
Sorry. Had to.
i think that's the overall theme of this post...stinkie.
I posted a .skp above, you have not tried it yet have you?
This is how it works, I call it ' The 30 second car'
@unknownuser said:
I think it's time again to change your alias, this time to 'Moby'
That's a complement, most people say I look like Harry Hill, he is a British comedian.
@solo said:
I posted a .skp above, you have not tried it yet have you?
This is how it works, I call it ' The 30 second car'
Peter what is that last tool?????
And the other ones look like push-pull but you are going to some menu item. Peter
Kevin here are a few images of one way of doing it.
I see you use blue prints so lets do it that way.
Set up your images, make sure they are lined up.
Trace it out (tools on surface works best)
group them and then pull them through each other
You can now intersect them and remove unwanted mesh by deleting it
or use 'Booltools' (to be released soon)Now you have a basic shape and you can do the finer details.
Nice tut. Should get young Kevin going.
Stinkie, I hope it will get him up and going, maybe even complete a model and get a real thread going.
Peter, It's 'Booltools' a new plugin that I really cannot say too much about right now as it's yet to be released (another amazing Whaat plugin)... guess I said too much already
I know it's a bit hard to respond to posts a couple of pages behind but...
@pbacot said:
Hey, that's the same background as in Gaieus' avatar... The same shirt. Is that your office, Gaieus?
Hehe... That's from the same "series" at least.
@remus said:
I think i might have to start looking in to archaeology as a career if thats your office gai...
Actually it's about half way between the museum and the site we dug last time. Perfect place for an office (we have that table constantly reserved)
@remus said:
Considering the number of drinks already on the table id be quite worried if they were already contemplating another round.
Then check this one out:
I cannot tell more because Ross has started a contest about the scene
And now back to the topic;
@Kevin, Pete (solo) posted some really good ideas along which you can proceed. Have you tried any of them yet?
well, i noticed the profile was UGLY (no offence)
"Thanks, Pete!"
This tutorial may not help Kevin, but you certainly helped me Pete! I'm going to have to try one now...
[quote="solo"]Kevin here are a few images of one way of doing it.
Great tutorial... too bad it's wasted here when there are many others who appreciate it.
I know the stock answer is 'if you don't want to involve yourself don't read this thread' but it truly does demean the integrity of the forum to let someone like this little troll get away with his nonsense.
Time for Mike to step up to the plate.DE