How to make a window in thick walls?
I'm trying to SkechUp my houseplan(not built yet). I'm planing to build a passive house with extra thick walls. The walls are about 50 cm so we plan to make an extra angel to get more of the sunlight. I've attached a .jpg to explain. I know that push/pull can't be used
Hi WB and welcome!
Could you be a bit more specific about those angels (probably angles)? Until then, here is a small tutorial about how to use two componants to cut holes on both faces of a thick wall:
I will also move this topic to the SketchUp forum because it ha nothing to do with LayOut, which is a separate application.
Aha, now I can see your image (I couldn't when you posted first).
So what you can do is:
- start the Push/Pull operation from outside but P/P only to the (say) middle of the wall thickness.
- Hit the Ctrl key and now push the rest. This will leave a face behind in the midst of the wall thickness.
- If the face inside was deleted by the P/P tool, redraw an edge of it to heal the hole.
- select the face inside and scale it proportionally about the center (using the Shift+Ctrl keys while scaling and grabbing a side grip).
This works fine if your window is a square (as I can see it MAY be one). - If not, you will have use the Offset tool to offset your window equally around the current one and while scaling WITHOUT the Shift+Ctrl combination with the side grips, you can easil snap to them.
In this cae you could even use the move tool but the Scale tool is easier.
I think that's all
Worked just fine! And of course..angle
Okay, cool. I wasn't sure I was explaining it clearly enough.