A new physics game challenge
Oh crap!!
I'm sucked in!
That much fun should be illegal!
Good that my bos is out!
You're killing me!
Here are some of my favourites:
...last two available from [url=http://store.steampowered.com/:2vxvbm53]Steam[/url:2vxvbm53]
Hello, the site is down? or is only me?
Working for me
Not forgetting Phun.
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=0H5g9VS0ENM -
And another:
I've got all but the last two levels done. And I've slept a bit too.
It's fun but it makes you feel like a dope sometimes like Duh I should have know that would happen.
Thought I would give it a try before bed. NEVERMIND how late I stayed awake without knowing.
I was VERY pleased with myself when I realized the only way to beat the falling ball was to build a trebuchet. Also it took me a while to figure out there were solutions not using the wheels at all. Failed at getting the several balls across a pit.
I'm staying away from it nevetheless.