Two-point perspective tilt
Before I export to KT, I turn on the two-point perspective feature in SU to get rid of the three-point perspective tilt in default. But I just did a test render and the tilt is still there, even though it's in two-point!
Any thoughts?
The imple answer is: Kerkythea (or just SU2KT?) currently does not support either 2pt perspective or Parallel projection.
It's just to "unnatural" for a PR renderer!
Ah ha! How do I correct this in KT? or is it possible?
Kerkythea does do parallel projections... just go to View > Adjust > and click parallel but you will probably have to setup your camera again! I attached an example for ya...
Hi folks.
Using a very long focal length or a very narrow angle of vision will be very close to parallel projection in SU. The smalest angle is 1° and the largest value for focal length is 2063 mm.
Just ideas.
The model is in perspective!
@unknownuser said:
Kerkythea does do parallel projections... just go to View > Adjust > and click parallel but you will probably have to setup your camera again! I attached an example for ya...
Oops - I din't know that!
Thanks David!