SU7 is taking so long because...
...because they are reading the forums
to see who all the whiners and complainers
are so they can deny access to any future
Google products. -
Perhaps they are waiting for a ‘quot. impulsion’ from me!?
@pbacot said:
Because AutoDesk bought it and no one is brave enough to tell us.
any time rumors arise like this one, there is usually a tiny bit of truth in them.
2009 ! hmmmm ,....., ...
google are still wading through all the bug splats from the testers
I am starting to get [flash=]excited[/flash]!!!
because I know somebody (who knows somebody else..and so on) who has gone to great lengths not to tell, but after probing a couple of times over the last 6months they saw proof that this person does now in fact have a copy of......sorry I'm not allowed to tell you (cause's its top secret..thats right) , and youll have to guess.
Well, you let the cat out of the bag....I guess the only thing left is for the Google Goons to hunt you down's too horrible to even think.
Gitmo dude, that's where the'll send you to.
But, ..I havent said nothing to be guilty off right?, or do you think Google will get the beta of me and disable my G browser.
(spot the key word)
We still have to wait thou dont we and how long that will be is anyones guess!
Not long, now if fact the wait seems to be over !!
cant control my emotions,
Well, there we go.
Two questions tho.
did this thread speed up the release and therefore risk shortening of the testing process?
how long will it be before my IT dept get round to offering it to us lowly beings?
@daniel said:
Well, you let the cat out of the bag....I guess the only thing left is for the Google Goons to hunt you down's too horrible to even think.
Space lasers, dude. Bad news...
@tobobo said:
- did this thread speed up the release and therefore risk shortening of the testing process?
You are kidding, right?
There's a list of upgrades that people have requested on this forum that have been completely and utterly ignored by Google. You think they are going to rush the release of SU7 because of this thread while completely ignoring what they want?
@johnsenior1973 said:
You are kidding, right?
There's a list of upgrades that people have requested on this forum that have been completely and utterly ignored by Google. You think they are going to rush the release of SU7 because of this thread while completely ignoring what they want?
Slightly Bitter John?