US Election results.
This is the last Election thread I will be posting until 2012 ....promise.
The voting has started, yup it has. There are one or two places in the U.S that begin just after midnight.
Dixville Notch has spoken: It's Obama in a landslide -
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama emerged victorious in the first election returns of the 2008 presidential race, winning 15 of 21 votes cast in Dixville Notch, New Hampshire.
well, this is quite exciting! when will the final results be out?
@unknownuser said:
The result in Dixville Notch is hardly a reliable bellwether for the eventual winner of the White House -- or even the result statewide.
It's funny that CNN felt it necessary to add that comment.
Regards, Ross
@plot-paris said:
well, this is quite exciting! when will the final results be out?
Polls close at 8pm, then there will be the inevitable recounts and lawsuits, and the electoral college doesn't vote until December 15th.
For those that do not have access to the stats and results, or how it all pans out here is a good site for this.
And Google election news will cover it also (just refresh when you need an update)
Or you can just keep an eye on this thread, I will try update the results as I get them.
Results start in a few minutes...
Early lead to McCain.
Kentucky goes to McCain (confirmed) 8 electoral votes
Vermont to Obama (confirmed) 3 electoral votes
The winner needs to get 270 or more electoral votes to win.
too many results to call one on one, however as far as the tally goes...
Obama 103
McCain 34
Electoral votes (remember 270 is target for win)
Important to note Pennsylvania is Obama's, Mccain needed this BAD!
175 - 70... 95 more
Watching on the BBC (now 02:25)
BBC News - BBC News Channel
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They show 195 to 76 in favour of BHO.
Obama just took Ohio...
Yet another McCain need to win.
Looking good for BO right now, but let's not get too excited.
Paddy Power (Bookie) is offering the following odds,
Barack Obama 1 - 500
John McCain 66 - 1Put €500 on Obama to win and you get back €501 if he does!
Put €1 on MCain to win and you get €66 if he does!Paddy Power is never wrong!
It's been called!!!!
OBAMA is the next president of the USA!!!
Congratulations America. You have new President.
May BHO serve you and the world well.
Bob -
Congratulations Solo,
Here in Canada, the majority is also very happy!!!
I am so happy! Now the good works begin...yeh!
Congratulations America!
Congratulations to Obama - the better campaigner won. We'll have to wait and see what he does as President.
Thanks Rick, I now hope he walks the talk.