Why vote Obama?
@rickw said:
A new study from UCLA shows that FDR's policies, rather than ending the Great Depression, actually prolonged it by 7 years.
As the US slides towards a depression that ultimately has some of its roots in Dem social policies, do we really want the House, Senate, and White House going to Dems who intend to implement FDR-type government programs?
Tighten your belts, everyone.
And related to the CRA, I laughed through the tears to hear Barney Frank spew about "reform" and more regulation - this coming from the idiot who for the last 5 years blocked reform of Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac, while claiming there were no problems with them. The only thing he could do to help the situation is resign.
Even Bill Clinton blamed Frank and other Congressional Dems for the problem. The Democratic Congress has an approval rating half that of President Bush, and we want to elect more Dems? Insanity.
I actually heard this yesterday from my client; a reasoned and intelligent CEO. This is not unlike my "Bar Stool Economics" thread which shows the dangers of governmental interference into basic free market forces. I swear, some left wingnuts actually think they can alter the supply-demand axiom. This is sheer lunacy. Apparently, it's Rooseveltian.
I worry about the current liberal Congress being caressed by what would be the most liberal president we will have ever had. The financial markets will not like this and the worsened economic malaise will trickle down to those 95% getting the big give away. And when that happens, the shit will hit the fan. You think things are bad now? Who the hell would they blame then? Surely not themselves...
EDIT: I did a little rewording of the second paragraph for clarity. -
From the evil MSNBC .... too funny.
It appears that McCain has been linked to Rashid Khalidi..too funny, and McCain was trying to use it to nail Obama that donated $80.000 to a Khalidi cause when in fact McCain had forgotten he donated $480.000 back when Khalidi represented the PLO.
You cannot write this stuff funnier.
And then there is Palin and Giuliani selling this bull to the Jews in Florida (as apparently Khalidi is anti-semetic) only to discover McCain has a closer association to him and ...wait for it...Ayers...OMG!!
I love this silly season, what ever am I to do from Wednesday?
That's what happens when you throw crap at fans, it blows back at ya ....you betcha it does.
i don't think he's the most liberal ever.
Started to post this in the "election laughs" thread...but seems, according to my sensibilites anyway, to really belong here:
@bellwells said:
@rickw said:
A new study from UCLA shows that FDR's policies, rather than ending the Great Depression, actually prolonged it by 7 years.
As the US slides towards a depression that ultimately has some of its roots in Dem social policies, do we really want the House, Senate, and White House going to Dems who intend to implement FDR-type government programs?
Tighten your belts, everyone.
And related to the CRA, I laughed through the tears to hear Barney Frank spew about "reform" and more regulation - this coming from the idiot who for the last 5 years blocked reform of Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac, while claiming there were no problems with them. The only thing he could do to help the situation is resign.
Even Bill Clinton blamed Frank and other Congressional Dems for the problem. The Democratic Congress has an approval rating half that of President Bush, and we want to elect more Dems? Insanity.
I actually heard this yesterday from my client; a reasoned and intelligent CEO. This is not unlike my "Bar Stool Economics" thread which shows the dangers of governmental interference into basic free market forces. I swear, some left wingnuts actually think they can alter the supply-demand axiom. This is sheer lunacy. Apparently, it's Rooseveltian.
I worry about the current liberal Congress being caressed by what would be the most liberal president we will have ever had. The financial markets will not like this and the worsened economic malaise will trickle down to those 95% getting the big give away. And when that happens, the shit will hit the fan. You think things are bad now? Who the hell would they blame then? Surely not themselves...
EDIT: I did a little rewording of the second paragraph for clarity.One of the things you can trust in life is for an economist to make up crap theories and predictions. One economist thats bucked the trend is Gillian Tett who predicted that we were heading into recenssion 2 years ago.
Tomsdesk wrote:
@unknownuser said:
Started to post this in the "election laughs" thread...but seems, according to my sensibilites anyway, to really belong here:
Dang! talk about stupidity and mean, unfortunately that sort of reaction is becoming an expected behavior. In Plano, Texas a mother was caught keying all cars in her kids school parking lot which had an Obama sticker on it.
@tomsdesk said:
Started to post this in the "election laughs" thread...but seems, according to my sensibilites anyway, to really belong here:
Serves them right always looking for handouts, the little commies.
Now look. Obama has an illegal alien aunt, and he didn't even know it. She also has been funneling him funds illegally, about $250. This could be October surprise Palin / McCain need!
@solo said:
Dang! talk about stupidity and mean, unfortunately that sort of reaction is becoming an expected behavior. In Plano, Texas a mother was caught keying all cars in her kids school parking lot which had an Obama sticker on it.
I'm sure you news savvy guys are aware similar things are happening on your side as well. You may have missed it, as it's probably not on MSNBC.
Here is a reason NOT to vote for Obama....that is if you have the same mindset as the below (ugly blond woman gets annoying however)
Whoa...scary?!? Belligerent ignorance on a pride parade is really scary!
Hope the Oil Industry is next to be bankrupted, right...
It's going to be a wonderful world..
Toally agree. (the coal ad)
Was that supposed to be a negative Ad?
As for the next one, well she is about to get a rude awakening.
Amen, brother...the coal industry should be as self-reliant as the rest of us: make'em stand on their own two feet without government hand-outs!
(Suppose she really said "worry on" rather than "work on" :`)
This will help squelch out any dissenters that want to disagree with or slow the change that he promises. Finally, a president that will really fight for what he believes. Good for him. The best thing about this is that the money will come from the top 1% of the wage earners. What a way to make those suckers pay!
?? Can you post a bit more than just a sound bite? One has to hear in which context that was said .... or else it's just a Rush Limbaug posting, by editing around sentences to provoke response.
Thankfully, guys like this won't be part of the civilian national security force (CNSF)!
Now if we never had such war hungry leadership he would still have his leg, I guess that never crossed his mind did it.
Make the coal industry stand on their own two feet without government handouts???? What the hell does this even mean? This displays an astonishing ignorance typical of the hopelessly looney left.
Bend over folks, this is the kind of thinking that will invade Washington if BHO gets in.