Dimensioning to the middle of a hole...
Hi Folks,
Newbie here.
I couldn't figure out an elegant way to dimension to the middle of a hole in a plate and ended up having to "fake out" SU with two dummy lines, as shown.
Can anyone show me a better way to do this?
Thanks very much for any help.
If you hover a moment on the edge of a circle then move to the center it will usually snap to the center inference point....usually.
You can try to build the “Guide Point” first where hole center needs to be located. Than you can dimension it and construct the hole from it as well.
Hello Jean,
Thank you very much.
(And to the others.)
Tom's method worked perfctly and for the first try, too!
Then there is the CentrePoint plugin from Smustard that will create a guide point for you.
Select the circle, Plugins -> Set center point, then dimension to the guide point.