Large Hadron Collider
My fondest hope is that somehow the LHC's scientific discoveries will lead to a breakthrough that will in turn permit genetic engineering making all human stupidity painful. I can think of no greater benefit to mankind. -
it is rather ironic that stupidity is only painful for those not possesing it
he hepav
Just to add to the mix somewhat...
There are those who argue that money should not be wasted on these scientific experiments but should instead be spent on more worthy issues such as solving global climate change or ending world hunger. I am curious as to where this line of thinking goes.
Presumably, these people want everyone in the world to have the same standard of life as experienced by those in the "first" world. It simply wouldn't work to just end hunger in those poor countries. Once that was achieved, they would then want the material benefits of the "first" world.
That means everyone in China, India and Africa and other "third" world countries owning their own homes, cars and all the other modern technology available. That would involve the building and development of property, roads and a whole infrastructure on a scale the like of which the world has never seen before.
Assuming you find this a desirable goal, what impact on global climate change do you think all this activity would have?
I have always wondered whether those of a liberal disposition, who obviously have the best of intentions, have ever considered the end results?
Of course, none of this will ever happen, for many reasons.
A couple of reasons being:
There simply is not enough arable soil on Earth to feed over 6 billion people.
(Even including genetically modified food).
There is not enough fresh drinking water for over 6 billion people.
At the moment, there is not enough energy resources to meet the demands of 6 billion people.
(There is going to be a struggle just to maintain the energy levels we have).All this warm fuzzy thinking about "world peace" and "ending hunger" is just that.
Fuzzy thinking. It should be confined to beauty pageants.I'm afraid these issues are usually solved they way they have always been solved.
By War, Famine or Disease.
Not a pleasant thought I admit.Regards
Mr S -
Paul, Pav
Personally, I'd just ban all warning labels and signs; and let nature take its course. Darwinism at its finest.Back on topic; just a couple of days left to catch this. a rather shorter and more concise presntation at Monterey, here. -
the CERN institute where the LHC is being built invented the World Wide Web, as a fastest method for sharing information with its scientists from around the world, working on LHC components. You are talking here thanks to the LHC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I dare anyone to say that the web is useless.
For another example breast cancer sensors came directly from particle collision research in the CERN
How anyone can anyone think that nothing good will come of quantum physics research?! -
Alan, the first link seems that it can only be seen in the United Kingdom.
any secrets ?
Sorry Juan. It seems you are out of luck. The second video is very informative though.
it is.
so have we concluded that the LHC is a good thing then?
Probably not, but i still think its a jolly good idea, and a bit of brgain for what you get.
Oooooh oooohh ooohh!! Look what I found, webcam footage!
We (The Earth) are living for billions of years in the neighbourhood a huge black hole ( located in the
centre of our tiny galaxy...)MALAISE
I have a (rather tiny) black hole at home. In fact, there are two - my girlfriend also has one.
I understand that a black hole was created and that the entire Earth slipped into a parallel universe.
This has been proved beyond doubt as the parallel universe is one where an England football team actually wins matches! -
The end will come if McCain/Palin win.
they would not. I hope.
Is there any news about how is doing the experiment ? -
Is that the election or the LHC juan?
I did not know McCain/Palin were involved in the LHC
they may have a chance then , dammit -
Theye not, it was meant to be a joke
kind of lost effect now