[REQ] Gray Scale?
Dou you mean grayscale coloursonly or grayscale texturedimages?
In the latter case why not just use an external image editor to make the greyscale image from a shaded with textures output while in the first case from the shaded(with no textures) output?
I mean gray scale for everything so textures are there. They're just grays.
Yes, the image could be managed in a image editor but I'd like to handle this in SketchUp.
possible yes (with some help from exterior for image conversion)
What sort of help from outside would be required?
@unknownuser said:
...for image conversion
So im guessing youd need something to do the actual image conversion itself, which would then be imported back in to SU.
a library that converts images to grayscale (unless someone wants to do that by himself in Ruby
Is it possible to read and edit the numeric values for the materials? would it work to just go in and change saturation values--the S in HSB to 0?
i would change to hsb and set h and s to 0 and adjust b to desired color or change RGB values to be the same and you will get the same result smaller number will be darker
I was just going to ask if this was possible too. I will get in line behind Dave.
In my workflow I often create 3d models and export images to be put in autocad such as front, side elevations. If they are in color the black and white printers will make them too dark. It would be great if we could on the fly in sketchup temporarily convert textures to gray scale with high contrast so for example lap siding would end up as just lines or close to it so that when printed it woule look like an autocad drawing with hatch patterns and print out legible on black and white printers.
thanks for considering this.