Small House 80m2 , WIP
Hey guys,
This afternoon I bought a book about small houses designed by various architects.
These houses were constucted to keep building costs to a minimal. Using light stuctual systems.I wanna try building a house like this as well.
This is the first time I us wood as a building material for the model.
The house is now 80m2 but it's prbably going to grow a bit more.
Constuction time so far is 1,5 hours.Regards, Ward
Updated the house a bit.
I've changed the roof to create more space.Ground floor has seating area and an open kitchen.
First floor has one bedroom, bathroom and study.
The house will get a solar panel roof and an underground water tank.Floor space is still 80m2.
I still have to add a lot of textures, including the outside facade.
Comments welcome!
WardRendered in Kerkythea.
Anyone got an
clean, good looking render.
i don't know how to explain, but you should "close" the walls and floors and so on, because they should look like they're thick...
to understand what i mean take a look at this image , where you can't see inside the walls. -
Good idea Julius! Eduardo... you could do this in photoshop with ease if you don't feel like sitting through another render...
Nice work. Every thing in small space needs to have multi function. The stairway in your concept is really taking up lots of space. Speaking of solar panel here is good link to get some ideas:
@ridix said:
Nice work. Every thing in small space needs to have multi function. The stairway in your concept is really taking up lots of space. [/url]
what do you suggest? a spiral staircase?
Thanks for the comments guys!
The Kerky render is made using Section Pane in SU, first time I actually used it.
Nice tool.I'll have to close those gaps in the walls, I'll keep that in mind.
I know this type of staircase takes up a lot of space. I'd rather use a spiral staircase but I've tried creating one in SU but they alway end up crooked etc.
How can I create a nice spiral staircase?Regards, Ward
nice start EduardoNL. You might check the head room on the 7th step though... might need a bit more head height about there...
@eduardonl said:
The Kerky render is made using Section Pane in SU, first time I actually used it.
Do you mean Kerky (or rather the su2kt plugin) now supports section cuts? I didn't know that! I'll have to try it!
@unknownuser said:
I'll have to close those gaps in the walls, I'll keep that in mind.
Have a look at TIG's SectionCutFace plugin - it's a great tool to do this.
@unknownuser said:
I know this type of staircase takes up a lot of space. I'd rather use a spiral staircase but I've tried creating one in SU but they alway end up crooked etc.
How can I create a nice spiral staircase?Here are a couple of tutorials at the WareHouse: -
Thanks for the links Gaieus! I'll take a look.
Concerning the render.
I've made a section cut using the Section Pane in SU. Then exported the model to Kerky. -
Hm. Interesting. I linked your render post in this topic and Frederik (of the KT Team) responded that you shouldn't be able to do this.
Ok, let me explain my method.
First I use section pane to cut out a part of the house.
Select everything still visible and make a group, hide this group and delete the section pane.The only thing still visible is now "the cut" part, delete this and unhide the group.
That is how I got the model for the render.
Nothing fancy, just some grouping, hiding en deleting.Regards,
Ward -
Ah, OK, I now understand that it's not a "real" section plane. Thanks for making it clear.
I actually designed an 80sq,m (8x5 living / 8x5 bedrooms / and garage under 8x5) modular terrace house once and must say as others have pointed out the stairwell became an interesting imposition to the limited space. However the resulting spacial layout using some very space saving design became quite large.
It is interesting how you can get some very sizable rooms out of such a small space. The first we did of these (block of 6) were so popular to the market we searched for a allotments to site more. 6+7+6+22+7
Thanks for your tip.
That's pretty easy!@Richard,
Do you have some renders maybe? I'd like to see your 80m2 house!Got some new renders :
Walls in the section cut are now closed, or "thick".
Added a spiral staircase (found this one in the 3d warehouse)
And got some new furniture.Larger image:
Any comments?
Yea... you need better textures... more segments on your models closer to the camera...softer shadows... and i hope you don't have any over weight friends cause I'm positive they would break those kitchen chairs in a heart beat! Not to be nit picking or anything
Ok, I know where to get some better looking textures.
Can you tell me how to get some softer shadows?
As for the chairs... I don't have any overweight friends.
Family maybe... they will have to bring their own chairs! -
If you are using kerkythea... change the radius dial and see what happens (i usually set mine around 20 for exterior renders)... you'll have to experiment to see what works best for you... make sure you have soft shadow checked too!... you may have to wait longer for clearer shadows but it is well worth it!
pics, richard? would be interestd to see the outcome....