SketchUp Seven in September?
Wet and sea ( well wait and see ) about a fortnight
Here we go again...
We've seen these SketchUp X books listed for some time now on different sites. I keep wondering if that means the last version of SU? They seem to be all about developing it so that ruby programmers can create additional functionality. So what if this was the last version, just meant to be a solid base for ruby programmers to be able to add more features to. That's been going through my head for a long time, and I'd hate for it to be true. Think there's any slight chance its true?
Even I'm getting caught up in the speculation now
Ooooh, that'd be bad. "Allright, boys! Enough core developing! Let them sort it for themselves!" Oh dear, oh dear. Sleek little SU would turn into Blender's handicapped little brother - all of the complexity, none of the power.
I am not so sure about that, Stinkie.
Rather see Google aiming for an open platform which really (=really) opens up coding possibilities for 3td parties than a half baked somewhere in between SU7.Google isn't into coding CAD software, so it might be our best bet.
It all depends on how the open platform will be managed.
They really should optimise the core first though.
(If Google keeps the current low performance core as a base for open platform, we are in trouble as Su will be slow as a snail.) -
I agree with Biebel, if indeed Google are going to open source SU it will give the user the ability to pick and choose the features they require for the type of modeling they intend doing.
However high poly support and multi core support will need to be added before even considering the above. -
@solo said:
However high poly support and multi core support will need to be added before even considering the above.
Exactly, that is what I meant.
The downside to being 'open' (not saying 'open source' on purpose) is that Sketchup might become much more expensive as we'd probably be paying for each extra 3td party plugin we would like to install.
But better that than seeing Sketchup become abandon ware in a not so distant future. -
@kwistenbiebel said:
I am not so sure about that, Stinkie.
Rather see Google aiming for an open platform which really (=really) opens up coding possibilities for 3td parties than a half baked somewhere in between SU7.Okay. If you put it that way.
Y'all seem to agree new innovations aren't gonna come out of the general Boulder area, eh? Too bad - they got the money to really make SU rock. If I where them, I'd integrate high poly support AND open up a big *ss online model discount store.
SU won't last that long anymore, I think, without some significant tune-ups.
Yep, you are right. That would be better.
I was already running in 'plan B' mode as no news about plan A (after such a long time) is bad news to me... -
I got something of a 'plan b' myself. I must add, though, that SU has a place in it. I can see good things coming from a SU > Silo > Maxwell kind of workflow. I'd hate to drop SU altogether - and I don't intend to. Cuz face it, SU's pretty good at what it does.
Worst thing that could happen, I guess, is that I won't upgrade. If high poly and multi core support aren't added, well, then I see no reason to. Sorry, Google.
The thing is, I just can't imagine that they wouldn't add those things. I mean, why wouldn't they? It would give 'em a great opportunity to break the 3D market wide open.
SketchUp Seven in September?
sounds good. -
@chris fullmer said:
...So what if this was the last version, just meant to be a solid base for ruby programmers to be able to add more features to. That's been going through my head for a long time, and I'd hate for it to be true. Think there's any slight chance its true?
No Chris, that's (should I add "most probably"?) NOTthe case.
@unknownuser said:
Worst thing that could happen, I guess, is that I won't upgrade. If high poly and multi core support aren't added, well, then I see no reason to. Sorry, Google.
But what if you aren't able to open models made with the new(er) version, Stinkie? You'd be (kind of) forced to upgrade then.
Then, about the whole September deadline; I'm pretty sure that it's only a false rumour.
oh dear, the moment I read this thread's title, my pulse quickened considerably. and even if there is no proof at all that SU7 really will really be released in September, I can't help feeling excited all of a sudden (difficult to focus on my work now
somehow every discussion about SU7 tends to be overwhelmingly negative these days (probably because there is no info whatsoever from Google).
but I still haven't given up hope that all the coders that are working on SU are so excited about their new product that they are desperate to tell us (they even hang up several punching bags to release their excitement every now and then).
they not only made SketchUp multicore compartible and capable of handling immensly high poly models. but implementation of ruby scripts has been improved a great deal.
they have improved display modes. and I am not talking about new styles here... I have reflection/roughness/glossiness of materials in mind, layered materials and a (admittedly quite basic) soft shadow function together with light emmiting materials for interior views.
they even implemented eye candy stuff like settings windows bouncing off the screen border if you throw the too hard in one direction as we know it from the iPhone (I know, absolutely unnecessary, but they managed to implement it without signifficant use of processor/graphic power)
oh, and did I mention it? they fixed the SHADOW BUG!!!O.K. that may have been drifting off into dream land a bit.
but you see, I still have faith in these coders and I am willing to believe that we will love and worship them when SU7 is finally released... -
@gaieus said:
@unknownuser said:
Worst thing that could happen, I guess, is that I won't upgrade. If high poly and multi core support aren't added, well, then I see no reason to. Sorry, Google.
But what if you aren't able to open models made with the new(er) version, Stinkie? You'd be (kind of) forced to upgrade then.
No, I wouldn't. I have fairly little need for SU models made by other people. And I'm sure, say, FormFonts will keep carrying SU6 models.
But let's just wait and see what them Google boys come up with, eh? I haven't given up hope just yet!
Who knows -they might just produce something amazing. They got the resources, no?
Guess that, at the end of the day, I'm with Plot.
Slow down guys...its probably just a revision of the book
I hope the book has 64 bit support
If you follow all of the links to the reserve page for the book, the release date is listed as November 24, 2008. Not September 2nd. Unless I am missing something?
Indeed it does, i wonder where the blog got 2nd september from?
Maybe they changed the date to throw us off the scent!
The book date has changed a few times. The first time it got pointed out it was set for July 31, 2008.