2 x 4 Crate Tutorial
Yes, another one - done very quickly - just trying to keep the students on track - again, if anyone knows where I can post these at higher resolution, please let me know - thank you.
Happy Sketching,
[flash=488,361:262pvm8u]http://i103.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid103.photobucket.com/albums/m157/ShermanPeabody/SU/crate_01.flv[/flash:262pvm8u] -
Hello GreenToaster
Could you tell us the program you use to make that tuto ( i'm of course
not talking about SU but the "film maker")The tuto itself is quite clear and efficient.
Thanks a lot.
I used Camtasia for the tutorials - someone posted a link at SCF on another forum - this link was to an older version of Camtasia that is now, unfortunately, no longer available. It's fantastic software though.
yahh GreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenToaster ( to simulate speed of Light..
A so fast answer is incredible
I try to fetch an old version.
You know ,animated tutorials give the time sequential order that SU Scenes can't render.
Thanks once more time
Camtasia was giving away free licenses for its version 3 (the current is version 5) at around Christmas. It is no longer available I'm afraid.
And yes, it is a great program!
Well Gentlemen
I'm going to search a likely program.
Good Wind and good sea
With Windows Movie Maker (comes free w/Windows software) you can pretty much do the same thing that you can do with Camtasia but lots of it has to be done "manually", which if you know how to use Paint Shop Pro, or some other similar software well, it's not a big deal really. Camtasia makes things really convenient, quick, easy.
I have never used it, but there is a freebie program out there called "Wink" that does things like Camtasia does.
Here is the link:
Please remember, this is only according to what I have heard. Check out that website for more information.