How can I purchase IRender?
@unknownuser said:
hi. if i would like to purchase the copy of IRENDER. how much will it cost in singapore dollars? purchasing online is it just getting the activation code? so if i purchase online... how am i eligable for updates? will the updates be forever? is there any special discount rates? cause my main purpose is the IRENDER NXT. kindly advise on this issue. thank you.
You can purchase IRender or IRender Plus using Google Checkout from this website:
We can also provide a Pay Pal invoice if you are unable to utilize Google Checkout.
You will receive all updates for 6 months, and can continue to use those versions indefinitely. After that, if you want a new version, you will have to pay an upgrade fee of approximately 40% of the full purchase price.
The purchased version is the same as the version you are using, except that with IRender Plus you will download libraries of approximately 500 plants and 5,000 materials. You will receive a license and authorization code to use IRender.