One problem with Kerkythea, I've found, is that when you have many extremely reflective surfaces, you get alot of noise on some of the textures. Anyone else have this problem? I have some examples here:
Do you see all the dotty noise on the bottom of the gun and the floor, is this on purpose?
Its hard to tell exactly whats happening without seeing the lighting setup, but at a guess id say there just isnt a lot of light getting to the noisy areas. Bit of a stab in the dark, but im guessing because of the position of the emitter in the scene a lot of the light is just being reflected off in to the abyss, rather than being scattered as would happen if you had less shiny materials. This means less light hitting the dark areas so a noisy render.
Thankyou, I realised today that when it is dark, your eyes actually do see noise, so its kinda amazingly realistic
You also need to make sure that you use the correct material type for the render method you're using (unbiased and biased)...
In the example you've used a metal material, but please note that there's two metal libraries...
Metals Ashkimish to be used with the unbiased methods (like MLT)...
Metals Phong to be used with biased render methods...If you use one of the materials from the Metals Ashkimish library and render using one of the biased render presets, you're going to see this kind of noise...
So make sure that you're using the correct materials for the different render presets available...
My material downloads didnt work either
I have to redownload EVERYTHING and do the install thing.
Try using an unbiased render method.
I suggest Metropolis Light Transport for interior and product renders.