Fade in/fade out between scenes
I'd like to be able to fade in/fade out while transitioning between scenes to show different design solutions "morphing" into one another. Has anyone figured out how to do this in SketchUp?
OK, maybe not what you are looking for. But instead of hiding one design and showing a new one for next design, you could get fancy with a section cut in each group. And have the section cut wipe across or up through the model between scenes. In scene one the section cut would effectively show design-a and hide design-b. The section cuts would be on top of each other (can use copy and paste in place) but would be facing in opposite directions.
Just made up quick sample. You could of course turn of the section planes, and change appearance of section cut, and cut cut through at more interesting diagonal angle. and could change the camera view between scenes.
Sample file showing wipe between one scene and another.Of course you could just drop to jpgs onto slideshow or video editing application that will do cross fades and do it outside of SketchUp.
what a great idea, David!
That's a cool idea David. Thanks for posting the example. It makes it easier to figure it all out.
Regards, Ross
Thanks, just came to me; very much like having buildings grow out of the ground but in this case just one replacing another. If you got fancy, you could have a small separation gap by offsetting the section plans a bit. Also when you are dealing with replacing one geometry with a different one (vs. just duplicates with different colors) you will start to see that the model is just thin shell vs. solid building. May want to just black that out, or you can get more detailed and throw in floor plates, maybe stairs and elevator towers etc.
On a loosely related note, I have noticed that watermark's fade in and fade out between scenes, vs. hard cut or cross dissolve. May be small issue but I do wish there was control to determine how watermarks transition. No control on speed of fade out/in but possible that it varies with different scene to scene timing?
I don't have time to test it out right now but what about using the fog feature in SU?
Use David's section trick above and maybe place a scene between the one your are fading from/to that is heavy in fog. That might create a nice fade effect.Just a thought.
I tried; it "jumps" only.
To tell the truth I'd rather do this in a movie editor. -
Thats always been my solution too. I really like setting up 2 scenes pretty close to one another and put a long transition time on them. So over like 15 seconds the camera only moves a little bit. Then make of few of these slow panning/zooming/FOV Changing scenes. Take them into a movie editor and do a crossfade on them. Makes for some really nice, upscale feeling, video work.