Watch and laugh.
How do you find this stuff...
Oh wait,
So are you selling your roller blades now?
actually this is really sad -
It's really sad that he has enough free time in his life to tell us all about this completely unimportant stuff, that we don't need to know or benefit by - and we've wasted a bit of what's left of our lives watching it !!!
Remus: in future please post more interesting / enlightening / original / 'really-funny' stuff, please... I'm getting older by the minute...
One mans comedy is anothers waste of time.
I suggest you simply avoid watching stuff like this in future, its fairly easy to spot through the nature of the post.
@remus said:
One mans comedy is anothers waste of time.
I suggest you simply avoid watching stuff like this in future, its fairly easy to spot through the nature of the post.
This is true remus, however posting a link with a wholly non-descriptive description is somewhat frowned upon on many an internet forum. The general rule is that if you post a link you should post a description or quote from the source. It helps people decide whether or not they want to visit the link and be amazed or if it will be a waste of their time (and bandwidth). I wish the SCF would pick up on / implement such policy.
Seems like a sensible enough idea, i certainly dont mind doing it.