Silvershadow's eye candy 1: The river runs thru it
the sky i chose i wanted to show a specific part of the landscape and was not doing it 100% to my satisfaction to use as an hdri, so i photoshopped that in..
ok thx for answering!
SU Guru smilley made just for you!
Man asome! i from ever was the guy who said "with sketchup you can do everything!... but no one believes me.
Congrats for your results on this works.
I wanted to ask something.. the other day i was tryng to make "EVA" from the movie "Wall - e" but i dont have any plug int installed yet, and i tried to make it with The Sandbox tool, but i get no goods results.
Its better to use the plug in "Subdivide And Smooth" from Smurstand?... In that case, i will buy it hehe...
Cya and congrats for your efforts!
Regards from argentina! -
@csome said:
I wanted to ask something.. the other day i was tryng to make "EVA" from the movie "Wall - e" but i dont have any plug int installed yet, and i tried to make it with The Sandbox tool, but i get no goods results.
Its better to use the plug in "Subdivide And Smooth" from Smurstand?... In that case, i will buy it hehe...
Cya and congrats for your efforts!
Regards from argentina!I don't think you need to buy subdivide and smooth for that. I think you should be able to model Eva using the follow me tool. This tutorial is to create a sphere, but if you just draw an Eva-like shape instead of using a circle you should be fine: -
Thank both! Eva was just an example i could say a egg but is ok thank for the model!
I am going to try that, i was using the sandbox tool.
Tomorrow i will post my results thanks!
Cya -
csome - You might want to look at this for reference material when modeling your Eva:
Nice! thanks man...
I am working on it, i could get the shape, now i am trying to get the real form of "Eva", but i could make the egg style form with follow me tool.
I made the contorn in CorelDraw, adn then exportit, and presto, i had the shape.
Nice tip.... lets see if i can reduce the number of faces to get a more smooth form.
Cya ! -
Well guys here is part of my result using any plugins.
I have some questions.
Why my surfaces go so shaped? or sloped .... how can i make that the curve of her body and head go more "natural shaped".
And how can i make the black part of his eyes? i try to make some kind of "deformed sphere" but i didnt figure it out..
I need some kind of plugin to model this? or i am using the tools in the bad way?
Thanks in advice!
Sorry for my bad english!
Cya! -
to get a smoother shape, you have to increase the number of segments for the arcs, defining the outline, as well as the circle you used for the follow me process (you did use follow me, right?)
if you select the circle, or the arc tool you can see a number in the VCB at the bottom right of your screen. for a circle the default is 24 edges, for an arc its 12.
simply type in a new number of segments, before drawing the arc/circle.when you drew the shapes you can even select these shapes (one by one) and change the number of segments in the entity info window lateron (this only works, if it still is a flat shape. it doesn't work with extruded shapes anymore)
for the eyes... I think the best way is to draw them onto the body of your model, so that you can apply a different texture to them.
if you don't want to use any plugins (like the marvellous OnSurfaceTools) I would suggest, model a vertical shape of the eye, extrude it right into the head of eva. then you group this extruded eye-shape. now you select the the part of eva, where the face is, right-click and choose "intersect with model", which cuts the outline of the eye-shape into eva's face.
now you can mirror the eye-shape (by scaling it horizontally to -1) and repeat the process for the other eye.if you don't want to see the edges around the eyes, you can select them and (right-click) "hide" them, after you coloured the faces.
Hi thanks for your advices plot!
I will try to changue the segments of the line, and extrude later, and see the better results:D
And i will try to get that "Onsurfacetool" because i was trying to do thw way you tellme for the eyes, but i cant make it...
Thanks again for your patience and efforts to explainme.
I will post my results later, one i get a good model i will render it:D
Cya -
Thanks for the post. It was really inspiring!
updated the list in the start, have put a render in the list, for those who havent seen the render, or dont want to go that far down paging thru the pages to find the render.
Hey Silver....your extremely talented. Do you use SU in your daily work?
Jeff -
hi there, thanx for the comment, i only use sketchup. My profession is to build models for an architectural firm all day
quite nice
been using sketchup for 3 years. My primary render engine i use is mainly Vray for sketchup, been using that for a year an a half -
hye !!
I'm a young french user and I don't understand all wich write on this page but I'm really really impressed !
this render is amazing, very very good !
When I'll be able to do 1/4 of that I'll be happy !!
very nice !Camille
great job!!!!
by the way, im still confused how to make the the mountain... how did u make it?.
hehethanks... and job well done!