Tool Bars Question
I should also have a JointPP toolbar somewhere but I haven't been able to find it since one of these disasters
Edit: I got it now, sorry.
really, i got a solution that works with me (though needs a tweak every new plug in) - i run 4 different sketchup sets with different layouts and different settings (and they stay like that)
if anyone is interested i will try and write down the system (later this evening - time for holy mass!)
what I found out what helps to place the toolbars, where you want them is this:
if you drag and drop the tools you want to move, don't release them exactly at the point where they shall be positioned.
instead release the mouse button, when the cursor hovers exactly on the top right corner of the toolbar that you want to see on the left of the toolset you are moving. (was that understandable? I attatched a short animation to demonstrate...)
[Edit] if the animation doesn't play, please click on it... [] -
What you said makes sense but it doesn't work for me.
Yes, Jacob, I do exactly the same thing. Should this be a "tip & trick" category? I have always thought it is obvious but now as you mention...
Now that you mention it, that is pretty much what I do when I organise my toolbars.
Gaieus, this should be in the "Fix the frikkin bug already!" category.
This is not really a bug, this is a "feature" (say an annoying one)
@cadfather said:
here we go guys, toolbars peace agreement..
Thank you for that. I've printed it off and will give it a try. The main thing I'm fighting with now, though is getting the toolbars where I want them. It seems that it's the third row of toolbars across the top that are the problem. If I have a toolbar in the third row and want to add another, starts a 4th row. I can't seem to get more than one toolbar in that 3rd row no matter where I grab it or where I put it.
i know what you mean
! 'eventually' i also got all rows to fit (can't remember the stubborn one) - then...once i got those in place i ran to the registry and there i stayed!
Is there a way to get your toolbar registry info into my registry? And would that help?
The toolbars almost behave as if they are too big but if I do manage to move one up to the third row, the one that's alreay there moves down to the 4th row. It's as if they don't want to share the same row. It doesn't seem to matter who created the toolbar either. I tried it with the Sandbox tools among others.
the difficulty is that i probably have different plugins than you and unfortunately this tweak is an exact science - one more or less script in the folder and bingo! - it's all over the place again!
the way i managed is to change places - for example there was a toolbar who completely refused to be positioned in a specific area - eventually i got it to behave somewhere else
also as others have noticed you always drop the toolbar from either higher or lower then the horizontal line. in fact, i noticed some toolbars just don't want to be next to each other!
in any case, i attach my 4 files - remember to back up your current key before....good lucky!
work time!
Thanks for that CF.
It functioned but you're right, the toolbars were a bit different. I only noticed one toolbar icon that was grayed out so otherwise we must have the same collection of plugins. Besides, I'd need a magnifying glass to see which tool I'm selecting.
I guess I'll have to live with toolbars that won't go where I want them.
This makes me wonder about how the dimensions of the toolbars are established. Or maybe the space for the toolbars. Is it possible there's something in the space that is hidden that prevents more than one toolbar from being in the row?
Edited to add:
I just turned on the Selection Filters toolbar. It opened in row 2 pushing all the toolbars previously in row 2 to row 3. I was able to add the toolbars that before wouldn't play nice, into row 2 without making any of the other toolbars shift to row 4 which isn't being used. Weird.
I stumbled onto a solution for our extremely annoying problem of toolbars not positioning themselves at the cursor point.
I just had to reinstall windows Vista, oh joy, and also Sketchup pro version 7. I got really frustrated trying to move all the toolbars to where I want them to reside. Like everyone else I have collected a lot of toolbars of plugins. I've noticed that on my laptop I had a lot of trouble with this before, but not so much with my desktop, until this reinstall. I probably spent 45 minutes trying to snap toobars where they didn't want to go. They had a mad mind of their own and would jump anywhere, and it is the most maddening thing, spenging time on something that should take 5 minutes. I reread this post and tried what plot-paris suggested in his little video, (which was really well done by the way, kudos to him for figuring that out and for taking the time to show everyone), but mine wouldn't work like that, as Dave R's wouldn't either.
I stumbled on a solution quite by accident, and this seems to work for Windows Vista, XP users will have to try this also and report back:
Open CONTROL PANEL > SYSTEM applet. Choose the ADVANCE SYSTEM SETTINGS from TASKS at the top left, go the ADVANCED Tab > PERFORMANCE settings. Uncheck the two ANIMATE items, and the three FADE items. Click on Apply and leave this window open. Open Sketchup and try moving your toolbars around. They should now move freely and snap to anywhere you want to put them. (I have a few more items unchecked, but I think it is one these, or several of these that are the culprits that keep the toolbars from snapping to your cursor position.)Sorry, but I feel like the Sketchup team should have been able to tell us this a long time ago.
I think there may be something to this, Peter. I have noticed if I accidentally minimize and maximize too fast, my toolbars become bunched up on the left side. I have adjusted my setting and will see if it happens again. Thanks.
@plot-paris said:
what I found out what helps to place the toolbars, where you want them is this:
if you drag and drop the tools you want to move, don't release them exactly at the point where they shall be positioned.
instead release the mouse button, when the cursor hovers exactly on the top right corner of the toolbar that you want to see on the left of the toolset you are moving. (was that understandable? I attatched a short animation to demonstrate...)
[attachment=0:219uh7gr]<!-- ia0 -->move_toolbars.gif<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:219uh7gr]
[Edit] if the animation doesn't play, please click on it... []the only problem is that if i resize my window or just open SU- more often than not my toolbars are all messed up! i can usually figure out how to move them back into position, but having to take two minutes to do this EVERY TIME i open SU is ridiculous!
Google needs to fix this asap!!! if not sooner. It makes me feel like i'm using a beta version of SU. -
sometimes I find a related, yet even more annoying 'feature' of SketchUp: when I open up the software the toolbars aren't only all over the place, some are disabled and don't show up anymore; others, that I don't want at all, are suddely enabled. fortunately that happens very rarely. but its still annoying
I was just about to say the same thing, had just copied this from Csaba;
@unknownuser said:
I should also have a JointPP toolbar somewhere but I haven't been able to find it since one of these disasters
In the past I've lost JointPP too, and the bezier splines and tools on surface toolbars, a total reinstall of SU was the only solution I found.
I'm with you guys. It's gotten to the point that after the last time I restarted sketchup to find all my toolbars had turned themselves on and cascaded down the screen to the point that no drawing space was even visible, I decided enough was enough and just undocked all my toolbars. I'm losing significant real estate, but it's worth avoiding the frustration. It would be interesting to see if someone could implement a toolbar manager, as I requested here for this type of workflow, as it may solve some headaches for thousands of users.