My Junk [Tutorial] (origami)
Yes I have created a junk. An origami junk to be exact, along with a how to so you can follow along.
I was unsure whether or not to place this in the component, tutorial or gallery forum. Seeing as it is not really a SketchUp tutorial but rather a tutorial on how to build one out of paper, I decided not to place it in the tutorial forum. It is a model I am sharing but it is not altogether useful except maybe as background fodder for a render but that is about it. But I am sure someone could render it up killer if they wanted to. So I decided to place it here in the gallery.
I also used a font called Poor Richard which I got at
Since it is free I will attach it too so you can get the full effect of my self indulgence.Have fun and I hope to see live pictures of ones you made. If not, ok.
thank you for componant and I just to render in my work
Quite cool stuff.
Maybe to put in the tutorial section? -
Alright, I will move this to the Tutorial section.
Neat tut Eric.
Now do a pterodactyl.
Nifty. If you figure out how to animate the folding, let me know! I've been wanting to create some animated tutorials on how to make a paper airplane.