Shadows not appearing on certain polygons?
Hi Guys,
Bit of a strange one. Trying to do a sun study. I have taken off any perspective and have the model in a top view and shadows are enabled. Examples attached
Any help would be much appreciated.
strange is, that I see a shadow - but below the plane on which your building is standing.
can you ceck, that this ground-plane is allowed to recieve shadows (right click, element info > check box "recieve shadow" has to be active)?
Your floor has transparency value to it, see green axis line showing through.
That seemed to be the problem. In the Style I was using I have Enable Transparency checked (faster). Unchecked this and seems o.k now.
Many thanks.
In the shadows setting box you want to check that "On Faces" is turned on. That is what your model looks like is missing to me. If that doesn't do it, could you upload the model?
EDIT: Ok, sounds good. Glad you found the problem