Google I/O 2008 - Advanced Ruby Scripting for Sketchup
@edson said:
does any one know if the first thing he showed is available to us? what i mean is a webdialog popup window (actually a browser window) with Google Earth running that allows one to trace the footprint of a building and to transfer it immediately to SUp. quite useful.
Indeed Edson, I was surprised by that as well.
But honestly, I first thought I was just dumb and thought everybody already was doing that when they needed to blend in their arch project in the existing environment.
But apparently this is kind of new to us all?....
For me this would be the perfect GE integration for arch modeling and archviz rendering, definitely in urban situtaions. Go find your plot in GE or MAPS, click the contours of it , and the whole aerial just pops up in SU and you can start modeling, while the contours already are 'clickable' and in the right scale...And the aerial photo in much more high res than it used to be..But I am such a GE noob, I even don't know how to work with .kmz and all that.
Fascinating possibilities there. I can forsee little collision-detection people walking down the street until they hit a wall, or each other, then changing course slightly. Add SketchyPhysics as well and it'll be absolute carnage on the roads.
..That would be GTA-IV: the Limited Sketchup Edition
Awesome info there!
but, look at his ears
I mean, look at it!
The're HUGE!!!
Have they use lightUp for demo-lights in game
3dvia MP beats google...
@edson said:
does any one know if the first thing he showed is available to us? what i mean is a webdialog popup window (actually a browser window) with Google Earth running that allows one to trace the footprint of a building and to transfer it immediately to SUp. quite useful.
It looks like he is using the new Google Earth plugin with JavaScript. Looks like it would be really easy to do that and a lot more. -
i think it from
/// -
This is awesome! Very inspiring post!
I wish we could have more and more of such videos!
Thanks -
This video is so cool. It's like watching someone take a regular manual screwdriver and turn it into power drill in front of your eyes. it transforms sketchup from a static modeler into an animation software, a game software, a live interaction software, etc. If sketchup was a simple pocket knife before it's now a swiss army knife.
I have just watched the clip and noted it was dated 29th May 2008.
On the very same day I started a thread called SketchUp nameset workability in Google Sketchup Help, part of which went:
"I am trying to find out whether sketchUp and ruby programming could be workable as a nameset device, and would be most grateful for your help... would it be possible ... to generate a sketchUp model from an array of names?"
Scott actually answered my question simultaneously! But seriously I am begining to think Sketchup/Ruby API business could well be more significant than the birth of DOS was in its day.