Cel shaded game alike style anyone??
Hey guys! First of all thanks for all the work and stuff there is going on here! I am new to sketchup and all and I am really impressed with everything!
And what most got my attention was these styles and the possibility to get so mane diferrent types of final images in the program, and therefore I wanted to ask you if any one of you already tried to do a sort of game cel shaded look alike style like this one in zelda?I dont even know if the oficial library already has something like that, but if not, and one of you has already a cool style to share, please dont hesitate to share!
Thanks anyway folks! And get up the amazing work here!
joao rsm
"A boat's a boat, but the mystery box could be anything! It could even be a boat!" -
Yeah, I haven't seen a style like that, but I also haven't searched a lot. I'm looking for something like that as well - and will probably try and make one myself. There's a tutorial here that shows how to make a style, you should try and make one!