Cropped version of a camera-angle.
I modelled a complete city and decided a certain cameraposition. But the exported jpg isn't big enough for my perpose. Is there a way I can zoom in on my model, but keep the same angle and perspective?
For instance, I could make a jpg of 1 of the houses and it would still fit the whole city if I combine the jpg's later?
I hope there is such a thing and sorry if it's too noobish. lol.
Hey Norke,
You could try changing the Field of View by pressing the Shift key and using the Zoom tool. See what the SU Guide or Aidan Chopra tells about this.
Thx for the quick reply. I tested it, but it's not exactly what I ment. I need a certain model in high resolution. So I thought, maybe I can render 8 pieces of it and then stitch them together in Photoshop. But when I zoom and render, I notice it's a complete different camera position. (obviously)
I was wondering, isn't there something like a zoomlens, so that the camera is in the same place, you just can zoom to make a bigger render?
Not that i know of.
How big do you want your final image to be? SU can go to 9999x9999 if you turn of anti-aliasing.
The only way i tihnk you would be able to do an accurate stitch is by switching to parallel projection mode (camera->parallel projection), although i might be wrong, i havent though very hard about it
Once youve done that, id probably save the overall view as a scene (view->animation->add scene) and thne zoom in on the areas of the model using a zoom window (ctrl-shift-w.) Once youe exported the zoomed image youd then go back to the overall view and select the next bit with a zoom window.
I suppose the best thing to do is just have a play around with it, see what works best.
Hey remus, thx for the reply. Those things have I allready tested. The final render was supposed to be printed on a large canvas (10 feet wide. I tried rendering, but I can only go to 3830 x 2148 px.
When you sya you tried rendering, do you mean rendering using an external render engine? Or exporting form SU?
Depending on the look your going for, it might be worth tihnking about exporting it to an external render engine then rendering your model. If yuve got a beefy enough computer you can render using an external engine pretty much as big as you like.
P.s. you'll get a very different 'look' to the final image though, i suppose it depends what your going for really
remus, I have here a final painting I made based on a sketchup render. I made it 3000 px wide (widest I can) and then beefed it up in Photoshop, so everything was very blurry and undetailed. : final painting : render of the castle.
I just hoped I could maybe zoom in on those towers in the back and render that out, and then use that detailed part for the painting, now I had to paint those towers on top of a blurry render.
I'm very new to SketchUp, I wasn't aware of extern plugins (silly me, I should have known).
Are you sure you exported it with ant aliasing turned off? Usually you can go right to 9999x9999 even on pretty old machines...
Darned! I had it set to antialiasing anyhow
It's not the size I want, but it looks sooo much better
Thank you very much friendly guy
No problem