My mouse has gone crazy
not a living mouse. i mean computer mouse. its the on that came with the computer anc its not a USB mouse, it has its own special cable. what happens is, just out of the blue, it starts freaking out. jumping up and down the screen randomly. and only on the up/down axis, never left right. and some times, it just gets stuck at the top of the screen, as if someone had a second mouse and is constantly puching it strait up faster than i can move it back down. i belive that a brocken java script does this, since it happens allot when im web surfing, but it will happen other times without warning, no firefox neccesary. any ideas?
if its not usb... then its probably a roller ball mouse? pop the ball out and clean the gunk out..its probably getting stuck and causing it to jump..
tried that, didnt work. but you guessed right. i can hold the mouse upside down so the ball doesnt move and the thing still keeps freaking out. i think it has to do with the computer or the conection, because it only happens on the y axis (up/down). thanks for the help
more details on the mouse:
roller ball
made by logitech
just a flimsy piece of black plastic with a couple of sensors
says its a "PS/2 compatible mouse" PS/2 being the kind of port, not a game consoleif you think you can solve the mystery but need more info, i can give you more advanced info, like driver manufacturing dates, ect
thanks again!
Hmmmm. Sounds like nothing a new mouse wouldn't put right.
With a brand shiny new three button optical mouse - with scroll wheel - setting you back a grand total of £6 or so, why not indulge?
(Even if your computer doesn't have a USB port, a USB>old-school mouse connector will add around £1...)
When my last ball mouse broke, it was doing something similar to yours. I'm pretty sure it was a faulty connection in the cable, but it just didn't seem worth struggling with a >5yr piece of hardware, so I ditched it...
i was just thinking of getting a new mouse, but i just spent the last of my earnings (read: allowance) on some stuff for my drum set. i can always wait till next month, especialy since the mouse isnt doing it that often. then i'll have $50 to spend on a new mouse (hey, thats about the equivilant of 6 british pounds now, isnt it?) just kidding
yes!!! i finaly got a new mouse! and my parents payed for it too!!!! problem solved. and, even if it was easy, we did not get it at staples ("that was easy"). its just a simple logitech optical mouse, nothing special, but it works. im so happy.
well i had a roller mouse too, and because i made lot cars the left click cracked,i had to press it up to 5 7 times for making it work once.
now i have a Saitek optical mouse usb connected(from my brother s laptop).is going pretty fast so i must take it slowly.
a new one is about 10 €
if you have too much money left at the end of the month (what, of course, always happens
), I would advice you to buy a gamer mouse.
I bought the Logitech MX518 one or thwo years ago. and it is the best mouse I ever bought - very precise, very responsive and comfortable to use for hours!
I will probably only discard it, when the era of mouse aided input ends (which hopefully with the technology of iPhone and Microsoft Surface won't be too far away