Another use for TubeAlongPath
Dear All.
There is an existing thread about drawing a surface perpendicular to a line, but I cannot find it. This is useful when wanting to use the 'follow-me' tool with a path and a profile. Various strategies were suggested, including using the axes tool to reset the axes with one axis along the line. An alternative approach is to use the TubeAlongPath plugin. The following assumes that you have already defined your path for the follow-me tool, and that the start and end line segments are not aligned to one of the axes (otherwise, why would you worry).
The method:
- Using the line tool, add a very short line segment to the path. To make sure that the segment is co-linear, stroke the end of the path with the pencil tool while holding down the shift key. When you start drawing the line it should turn magenta to show that it is co-linear.
- Select the line segment and activate the TubeAlongPath plugin.
- Set the radius of the tube, and click okay (or whatever).
- The script will produce a tube component of length equal to the line segment and of the specified radius.
- Draw your profile and then erase the tube. The original line will still be there.
- Using the end-points of the line, move the profile to the start of the path and erase the line segment.
- Click on the path and then use the follow-me tool as normal.
Hope this is of use to someone.
Kind regards,
Bob -
Perhaps, the thread you recall was over at the Google Group:
Even though the thread wanders off-track a bit, in the course of the discussion, Jean Lemire posted a model (to the 3D Warehouse,) demonstrating the 'follow me' tool technique, to which you refer:
From your description, the TubeAlongPath plugin appears similarly applicable to the technique.
Nice workaround watkins!
Dear TaffGoch,
Many thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
I am curious about your monica (Cockney rhyming slang = Monica James = names). Where I was born (Wales), the term Taff refers to a Welshman. Any connection to that green and pleasant land?
Kind regards,
Bob -
My ancestry is Welsh (many generations ago,) so you're right.
'Taffy' is the anglicanized slang spelling of 'Dafydd' (Welsh for David.) 'Goch' is Welsh for 'red' (and, yes, I have red hair.)
Good catch, Bob
So, the 'perpendicular' thread WAS the one of which you were thinking. I still think it would be a nice feature if the 'circle' cursor could be dragged along an axis, similar to the 'protractor' and 'rotate' cursors. It sure would make drawing a surface perpendicular to a line (axis) a whole lot easier.