Huge 2d graphic export
i'm trying to export a jpeg to print on a A0 paper, that is 84,0 cm x 120,0 cm... i'm losing my mind. it just doesn't seem possible. A jpeg export over 4000x3000 pixels can't be done, i guess. there is a message "failed to save file C://...
pdf doesn't work at all!! it's a very complex model, with a lot of geometry, i'm afraid that it's just to much for sketchup's export possibilities
please help
my deadline is in 2 days -
AFAIK people on this forum have been able to export up to 9999 x 9999 or something like that. I think they were able to do so after switching AA off.
A quick search of the forum came up with a few results, one of which you'll find by pressing here .
As juju said, it should work if you switch of AA.
Once youve done that, by my calculations woull want to export at 9999x6999 or 6999x9999 depending on wether you want landscape or portrait.
If you can, it will also be worth resizing the iamge in photoshop or something similar.
Last tip: export as a PNG or TIFF asthey provide better quality than JPG, BMP etc.
I once had to export at 3500 x 3500. I did it with AA on but shadows off (fortunately they weren't needed). I could export the images without any problem with my 512 Mb memory card.
True it took a while for an image but I could.
Now if you use png or tiff (which are lostless files, yes, but the memory they consume while exporting is bigger as well) you may end up with the same memory problem.
Also note that SU exports at a 72 dpi resolution format and if you want to print in a large size, you may need to consider exporting in bigger resolution and resampling the image in an external image editor if you need higher quality prints.
Someone mentioned sometime back that it is possible
to get a better resolution by using a screen capture
device. -
Never figured out to turn of AA...
now could somebody tell me how to render at 6999 x 9999
somehow V-ray drops dead when I try to render at 2000+ pixels
HFM, to export an image at a custom resolution, just go file->export->2d graphic->options (bottom right), thne you need to make sure 'use viewport size' is unchecked before you type in the resolution you want. Then its just a csae of un-checking the 'anti-aliasing' box before clicking export.
If you want to render at large sizes then thats a different story. Basically the rendering program needs more memory for big images. So to get big renders you really need a 64 bit operatign system and loads of ram. A slightly cheaper (but not quite so clear cut) option is to increas the amount of virtual memory available. Im sketchy on the details of this, so youd probably be better of asking aorund at some rendering forums.
SketchUp outputs images that bear a passing aspect ratio relationship to the actual drawing window. The length of 9999 pixels is for the longest of the two sides. Therefore, if you set 9999 as the width and de-maximise the SU window so that it becomes resizeable (it will mess with your toolbars unfortunately), you can adjust the width of the window to get any particular aspect ratio you require. As you narrow the window, the output width will remain at 9999, but the height will gradually increase.
Obviously, for images that do not need to be as large as possible, you just export normally with a degree of waste space around your intended subject, then crop in an image editor.
As remus wrote, in addition to turning AA off, increase your virtual memory to the maximum allowable (in XP at least - dunno 'bout Vista). Virtual memory can be found in the advanced tab of the systems properties window, and you'll set the minimum and maximum. Generally, it's set at a lower amount than the maximum possible (which I believe is related to your RAM).